Poole, Rockley Park Supermarket, Rockley Sands c.1960
Photo ref: P72188P
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A Selection of Memories from Poole

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Poole

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I only found this site today. With Covid, I believe we are all dreaming and thinking of things that we never would have thought about before. I woke up this morning and thought about the Saturday night dances held at Parkstone Grammar school (girls) as it was in the early 1950s. I think they were run by the GTC and they were very orderly. We entered via the main entrance and left our coats in an upstairs classroom and ...see more
I was a boarder at Uplands School, Sandecotes Rd.,Parkstone and we often went for long distance runs around and near the harbour. We got a real surprise one cold morning, I think 1956 or early 57, when we found the harbour iced up and we were able to skate on it in our plimsolls as the gym shoes were called. I wonder if anyone else remembers that time? Shortly after that the family moved to Australia but I still have such ...see more
1947 - I was born in Garland Road and can remember going to Blundles store. We moved to the Waterloo Estate when I was 4, we lived in 10 Wavell Avenue. In the 60's we used to go to a church youth club in Broadstone there were around 30 of us that used to hang out there and at a set of garages opposite the Silsburys house. We would often go to Delph woods in the summer or to Shellbay and lay around listening to the top ...see more
Roughly that time, I went to school there when it was Ashley Cross Girls School. I had many a happy time there. One of our cookery teachers left to have a baby then went on to teach at the Girls Grammar School in Sobers Lane. My tutor group was in the Oakes, we were not allowed up in the attic areas because it was too dangerous, but they were used early on. The music room also had a stage in it. I ...see more