Nostalgic memories of Camberley's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

Why not add your memory today and become part of our Memories Community to help others in the future delve back into their past.

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Displaying Memories 31 - 37 of 37 in total

Hi all, Can anyone help with memories or anything connected to the great British company MacFisheries 1919-1979/80? I'm constructing a non profit making web-site dedicated to this long gone major company and any help would be greatly appreicated. See: Is Macs in any of the Camberley High Street photos on this site? Here's hoping Colin French
Macfisheries was my very first job when leaving school, in 1967. It was on Camberley High Street. The Manager at that time was a Mr Sandy. I have happy memories of working there, and all the lovely people I worked with at the time, there was - Gerry on the fish counter, and Mrs Hasky, and David Wright, John Brown, and Hazel Biggs on the deli counter, and John Hill, and Elizabeth Armstrong, on the butchery, Mrs Webb, ...see more
Camberley, where it all began. Where I lived half of my life so far. In your head you never leave the place you were born and raised. On a wet un-comforting day I found myself revisiting the town of my past. I was cast into memories of wartime school in School Lane, street play, places where I worked, courted, laughed and cried. I recalled the early life, its geography of fixed points. The past cracked open like ...see more
I have never been here but recently I found out that my grandmother worked in Brackendale Road, the name of the house was 'Calder'. She was a cook there, I guess for some well-to-do lady. Can anyone help out?
I was born in Bagshot but moved to Camberley in 1955 when I was 8. I attended York Town Primary School which was, and on checking the maps still appears to be, located on the other side of the London Road, a bit further down from what was once the Odeon cinema. Later on, like Gaynor Henderson (Smith), I went to France Hill School and in 1966 also married a soldier from the RMA. I moved to ...see more
I was born in the flat above the shop to the right and and just out of sight of the photograph in 1944. Home births were the norm in those days. I lived in Camberley and went to France Hill Secondary School. I remained in Camberley till 1964 by which time I had married my husband Andy who was a soldier at the R.M.A. We have travelled widely but have returned to see my family, who all still reside in the area, several ...see more
I used to live in Maultway North - the turning directly to the right of the Jolly Farmer - in the mid 1980's, so I have hazy memories of the pub as a customer. But I remember feeling the place to be cut off from the rest of the world - it was always a challenge crossing the London Road as the pub is smack bang in the middle of a busy roundabout. A million miles away from this tranquil image. The legend of the ...see more