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Displaying Memories 401 - 480 of 36585 in total

Can anyone help with the location of the coastguard station in Pitts Deep around 1904. My mother was born there - her father was the coastguard.
My father lived here many years ago, and I would love to see a photograph of Jews Row, showing the original houses. Can anyone help with that? Thank you
I lived in Headley in 1969…… There was a riding stables and a few houses opposite with a telephone box…..I can’t remember the name of the road…. There was one small youth club in the village and a small shop…. I remember Fran who’s dad was a farmer… And Steve who also went to the youth club…. Also Ian who lived I think in Leatherhead and would drive over to Headley in his red van….we went greyhound ...see more
My brothers, sister and I all attended Dobb Primary school in the late 40s/50s. I remember it as being a very happy school with Miss Kenworthy/Mrs Shaw being the headmistress.
That's my Mum pushing my younger sister, Rosie, into the newsagents. We lived in Northwood Avenue from when the house was built in 1958 until the early 80s - although I still drive through Purley on a regular basis. A couple of doors away from the newsagents was a fish and chip shop which was an occasional treat for us. The photo may be a black and white but her skirt was orange, yellow and white paired with a white ...see more
This was my Dad's shop where he started his butchering business in the 1930's till, he closed in 1973. Both my brother Tom and I worked there. Tom from 1955 till it closed and I began in 1962 and left in 1966, for Australia. In those days we had our own slaughterhouse. as most other butchers in Guisborough did. It was a pain to push the barrow with the hind and forequarter of a bullock across the busy road on a ...see more
My parents and I spent several vacations at Higworth farm caravan camp in the early/ mid 50's. I remember my Father having to get out of the coach, along with others, to lighten the load to cross the bridge. On the way to the beach we passed a dairy ice cream stand which had the best strawberry ice cream ever. My Father and I would go on the rides while my Mother added to our every day china set by winning at Bingo.
I was born Nov 5, 1939 at 81 Star Lane, the home of my maternal grandparents, James and Anne Maria Bullock. My mother, Annie Grace Bullock, was the youngest of six children. She married my father, Henry George Hooper, in 1935 at Trinity Church at the junction of Barking Road and Hermit Road. My father, always known as Harry, was born in 1909 in Poplar, but the family moved to 35 Star Lane, where my grandfather, ...see more
I have such good memories of Much Hadham. My grandparents, Mr & Mrs Morris lived in a lordship cottages just outside of Much Hadham village - the house went with my grandfather's job which was a gardener for Doctor & Mrs Wilson. I lived in Kent with my parents & brother but loved our little holidays there, going to Bishop Stortford where at one time my mother's sister & her husband run a post ...see more
Hi, This is not Kait Bey mosque, it is Al Emam Alrefaei mosque and the one next to it is Alsultan Hassan mosque. Kait Bey is a different one in another area in Cairo. I was born and lived in this area. We still live there. Thank you for letting us know our error - now corrected. Ed.
We moved to Churchtown in '61 from the North East. Attended the junior school attached to St Cuthbert's church. Remember the area very well, Botanical Gardens especially. Used to go fishing there even though it was prohibited [which boys didn't!]. Left in 1970. Fond memories
Does anyone remember the Mother and baby home in Chertsey… Or was anyone there in 1972 ? Mrs. Thompson was the cook…she was very nice and her dinners were delicious… The lady who’s name I can’t remember was in charge of the home was lovely , very caring and non judgemental… I shared a room with Bridget who went back to Ireland….. Would love to hear from anyone who was there in 1972/3…. It was the best home I was in……very caring …
I lived in Elgin Avenue Belmont and went to Priestmead School. I was born in 1934. I have a lot memories about the wartime with all the problems we had. Did you go to of Priestmead school ? Do you remember The Park by the school. John .
My memory was triggered by the person writing about the Constitutional Camp's hall/ballroom building being burnt down. At the time I was attending the Primary School in the village and we could see the smoke and flames from our classroom. Our lovely Head teacher Mr Etheridge allowed us all to go onto the playing field and watch as the fire engines rushed through the village to attend the fire. I think he ...see more
I think this is my Grandad Wick Jakes
I was at both the old and new Scotland Hill school, left in 72. Mr Shanks was a fearsome character, with some relief when he retired. I use to go to Mrs Huddles house occasionally as she lived in forest end. Kind lady. Mrs Culbert lived opposite me in Hearts Leap Road, I remember her driving a light blue bubble car, always had a serious look about her. I still have our schools football photo with Mr ...see more
Surely, the caption should be, "Somerton, Church Of St Michael & All Angels, 1904" (Thank you for letting us know - our archivist has now amended the image title.)
I was one of nine children from three families who lived and spent innocent days exploring what seemed the vast grounds of this estate. Our family rented (for £1.50p a week) some outhouses, whilst the other two families lived in the main house (which was in a state of some disrepair). The building is long gone but the memories remain childhood bliss.
Did anyone attend St. Michaels 1968/9…I was in Mr. Thomas class….. I remember Colin James…. Linda Underwood…..Karen Smith….Dave Dawson ( another class ) Many others….would love to hear from anyone….Anyone who went on the trip to Italy…..
I lived on Frenchbarn Lane just across from St Peters church from 1960 to 1972, I was 5yrs old when I moved there. Coming from Salford docks area it was like moving into one of Enid Blytons books. A real farm just up the road had me and my brothers amazed. I became great friends with Paul Hodgkinson who was the grandson of the owner (Gaffer). I found my first True Love in Blackley, a beautiful girl ...see more
Having moved out of Plymouth, and awaiting a new build house off Dunstone Road, I lived for a while at my grandparent's house on Dean Hill whilst attending Goosewell Infants. At that time Dean Hill was a tranquil leafy lane with hedgerows, and I recall that at the top of the road, where it became Furzehatt Road, before it met Underlane, there was a smithy on the right. As others have remarked, at the ...see more
I grew up in Welling in a house on Ridley Road. My mother lived in that house for over 60 years until she died this past January. I have 3 sisters - that was a tiny house with 1 bathroom, at times we seemed to really fill the place - felt more like a zoo with a dog 2 cats a rabbit, hamster and a gerbil . We knew everyone on that street - the guy who would never give back any of the balls that went over his fence, to the ...see more
I grew up in East Horsley, where I attended St Martin's C of E Primary School. We had no car and we lived nearby so we always walked to the primary school and my mother walked to the shops on Bishopsmeade Parade. When Mum was at home we walked home for lunch and once she started work in a local insurance office, my sister and I lunched at the "Singing Kettle" on Bishopsmeade Parade, where she had once ...see more
I did a wonderful photography course in Tavistock run mainly by Pete, assisted by his partner Hannah. We did a lot of inspired photography (film) and worked on the results in the darkroom. Pete was a wonderful photographer and well known around Tavistock with his camera. Hannah was also a good photographer. Sadly Pete died from a heart attack. I hoped and wondered if Hannah continued ...see more
My grandfather worked as a chauffeur and then a gardener for a family called Edwards who lived at this house in the 1930s and 1940s. My grandfather had a cottage in the grounds. When we visited and the Edwards were not at home, we were allowed to play on the lawn at the back of the house.
This was our last pre-war family holiday - a week in Glasgow with Dad's brother [Somerville Drive, Mount Florida] and three wonderful weeks in Tighnabruaich, Kyles of Bute, with mum's parents. I have clearer memories, as a near 10 year old, of the latter than of the visit to the Exhibition but remember sitting in the upper front 'cabin' of the 'car on the way there and the striking Mounties ...see more
Does any 'old codger' who lives locally remember the name of this shop? We moved into the area, just before The Queen's Coronation, the first residents in the newly built block of flats on The Mall, next door to the fire station. Every sunday, there were queues out of the door, it was the only shop open for groceries and it too, closed at 1.00PM. For some reason, my parents ...see more
Ottawa has been my Home Base for nearly fifty years, having lost my faith of a future in UK during a troublesome strike by miners which was crippling the UK economy - no doubt the miners thought that the closure of the mines and the loss of their jobs justified their Union's Strike Action - this was the start of the North Sea Oil and Gas Industry squeezing out the use of dirty polluting coal. ...see more
Hello, I spent my early childhood in Barmore Street, which holds special memories. I do have an old photo showing a Street Party, which I will endeavour to upload (not sure how yet). The Queens Head Pub was on the corner of our street, as yet have not seen any photos showing the Pub. "Cabins" the sweet shop was just around the corner on York Road. Bathrooms??? We had a weekly bath at the ...see more
I remember the many years, 1964 - 1975 attending “night school”, and also working at Southend Tech, Engineering Dept. All gone now, first the original College building which used to be where the Odeon cinema is now, then later the London Road, Engineering Dept building, which is now a Students accommodation site. Carnarvon Road building now converted into Flats etc. Such fun it was sitting at the ...see more
I remember this school with great affection I lived with my grandparents and mum in Shadwell drive (can't remember the number) but it was the last house facing the school. Nan would watch me walking to school every day as she could see right up the road and never worried about me. Sadly we moved to Southall when my grandparents died and my mum remarried. My grandparents surname was Marshall and my surname was Green Happy days
Greetings from Canada. Although I have never visited England I have long had a great admiration of Wales. My Great Grandfather who was born in London in 1835 of Welsh parents wrote many notations in margins of a Family Bible of stories handed down of related families who dwelt in Pembroke, way back to 1700's. The "s" in my surname, Johns, was added on by an ancestor in late 1700's, prior to this it ...see more
My grandmother appears as a cooks assistant at a school at Fairlea Meads ,Chesterfield Road in Eastbourne. Sadly I cannot find any photos of the building.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi everyone, I'm looking for a specific patient who was at Heswall in 1952, named Nora. Someone who stayed at Heswall at the same time is looking to find her. I'm a Producer for the TV show Gwesty Aduniad where we reconnect people with people who meant a lot to them, and in this case, that's Nora. If anyone has any knowledge of a Nora who stayed there, or an idea for organisations I ...see more
My father and all his brothers worked on the Tarboats for many years duringWW11 . It would be great if anyone could supply any info as the families have little on them . Many thanks
I would like to get in touch with any one who was at St johns in 1975 /76, they organized a trip to wales where we learned how to canoe and abseiling down steep rocks, the place in wales was called Llanberis, please contact me through this web site it would be interesting to exchange memories, many thanks.
As a 10 year old in 1954, I sold sweets from a small table inside or outside the tobacconist and sweet shop to the left of the Regal. This was for an hour before the children's Saturday morning pictures started, for which I was paid 6d - the price of going into the pictures. Does anyone remember buying from me and/or the name of the tobacconist?
I'm an Awliscombe Loaring descended from at least 2 generations of Loarings who operated the mill c1700 on the River Wolf just down the lane to the southwest of the Honiton Inn in Awliscombe. I'm hoping someone knows how the River Wolf got its name. There are 2 other Rivers Wolf in Devon, and I see online that at least one of them is not named for the handsome canine creature. There are giant ...see more
I hope, I think I am the first to write - I lived in Hainton 1951/54. Our dad worked on the farm just up the road (Stockman). I went to the little school in Hainton. Headmistress - Mrs Slingsby. Do not remember her deputy, but Miss Officer comes to mind. Yes, remember it well, lovely small two Classrooms - oh yes, complete with an outside loo. Would walk to school. Route = from our house right out the gate, then a short ...see more
I lived in 1a Ethelbert Road from 1968 to 1979. so many happy memories, the plowing match over the 'Butts' , the deep snow every year , and my old mate Duncan Yandle who lived next door.
The sports fields had 3 football pitches and a cricket green. There was a pavilion in one corner of the higher field made of wood with a thatched roof. The pavilion became vandalised and eventually dismantled. It would appear that the fields have not been used for sports for a long time.
My mother was born in Blaenrhondda at the top of the Rhondda Fawr in 1914 and was one of four sisters but she was the only one to leave the Rhondda at the age of fourteen to go into service in England. During WW2 when my father was in the army, my mother and I moved back to my grandmothers house in Clyngwyn Road in Blaenrhondda for a few years, I can vaguely remember attending Blaenrhondda School for a ...see more
My son Matthew provided the opportunity to once again retrace our well worn steps around this beautiful county and in particular The Lake District. As is our norm it was non-stop driving and walking, although walking is now less attractive to me as old father time lessens my ability to trek as I once did. The "Striding Edge" and "Scafell Pike" just distant memories now as we shuffled around ...see more
John Horrocks the Mill owner and MP - Born 1779 - 1816 was my GGGGGGGGGG Grandfather.
Great memories of Streatham. I was born and brought up in Streatham and just wondered if anyone remembers a big food store back in the1970’s called “Internationals”? I too remember Gadsbys the art/gift shop - so interesting to look at everything in there. I also remember Pratts Department store with their lovely old fashioned glass swivel soap dispensers in the toilets they had. They also had a gentleman ...see more
Hi I was only 4/5 when I was at Styal but I remember it was OK. I remember a boy called Michael Cummings an I'm sure there was an Asian Prince also I remember an older girl called Diane who looked after me I remember Miss Walks.
In 1959 I became a pupil at St Michaels School (The Old Vicarage Residential Home) where I stayed for 3 happy years, until I was told it closed after the head disappeared with the school funds. Whether or not this is true I don’t know but I prefer to believe it wasn’t, as for me him and his wife were good people. After school and during the summer holidays me and a couple of the other pupils would go down to ...see more
This is a view across Trearddur Bay, looking south - the beach is known in Welsh as Tywyn Capel. The house behind the beach is Glan-y-Môr built in 1889 and next to it is the Dune Mound which was the location of St.Ffraid’s chapel. Dune in Welsh is ‘Twyn’ so Twyn Capel is correct and it was in the parish of Holyhead . Howver although the title is correct it would probably be better to put this photograph with Trearddur collection.
I stayed there in 1969 when I was 7. Nothing bad happened but it was quite strict. I made friends with Helena Harding. I remember Mrs Jones, and snuck a peek at her annexe.
My son has moved to Pegswood from Berkshire and his son , my grandson goes to this school , He likes it very much and can't say enough good about the teachers , He has settled in well there . My son and daughter in law like it in Pegswood especially the close proximity to the coast and all the lovely beaches they also spend a lot of time exploring the surrounding beautiful country side , oh ! the Windows in the school are now upvc .😊
When my family moved here I was only 7 and there was only a cottage on the left at bottom of Brae and a row of four terraced houses on the left, they were holiday homes for my grandmother and her sisters. We lived there with no gas, only paraffin globe lamps, and the sink was outside with running cold water where we washed every day come hail or shine. The toilet was a board with a hole cut out over a bucket ...see more
Lived in Belvue Road until 1970. Attended Northolt Primary by Target roundabout . Remember well the headmistress Miss Wayman and teachers Miss Bottomley and Mrs laprake. Also remember the male teacher with Percy the plimsoll. lOthers in my class were Celia Widows, Felicity Henderson , Geoffrey Bagus and Clive Johns. Later attended Eliots Green until 1963. My maiden name was Braggins. Used to play in 'the jugle' ...see more
i am now eighty plus years old and i will do all i can to find my mam and dad. i know they will be together so it will not be hard to find them !!! if i can only get a cuddle from my mam and a arm around my dad i will let god keep them till the two sons and a daughter that they gave life to by the grace of god !!! my brother gone already so my sister and myself are both alive and to be with ...see more
Welling in the Fifties had never been short of colourful characters plying their trade in and around the suburban Streets. I can fondly recall three from my childhood, the most memorable being the old rag and bone man who sat perched on his big wooden cart drawn along by his equally old nag of a horse. He always cried out his arrival with words no one understood, inviting residents to offload their unwanted junk which he ...see more
I attended Queen Elizabeth’s Girls Grammar School from 1954 to 1959, and in 1957 the Queen came to visit. We all had to practise our lessons for ages beforehand (mine was French), and when she came to our classroom she spoke to us in French. We all gathered in the hall for a special assembly, and the head girl presented her with gifts for Charles and Anne (Andrew and Edward hadn’t been born then) and the Queen gave us all an ...see more
Not a memory but a question: does anyone have a photo of Mr Pierce? He was headmaster in the 1950s-1960s. I was his dinner monitor for a couple of years
My mum who is 91 now remembers going to New Basford in the 30s to visit a Aunt. She was young and cannot remember her name - it would either have been a Siddall or a Hooley. My mum's grandma was Annie Siddall 1884/1957, her sisters were Beatrice 1879/1971, Florence Ada 1881/1973 who later married Henry Hooley 1874/1948 and brother Albert 1889/1926. If anybody has any information on these families it would be appreciated as I am doing my family tree. Thanks Norman
I remember there used to be trolley buses through the high street, this would have been in the 1940s or 50s, and there was a lending library on the high street that you paid to take a book out. Also a grocers called Williams Brothers , where my mum had to queue with her ration book! On the corner of Alston Road there was a corner shop which sold everything, but was eventually demolished and flats built. Anybody got any photos from this time? I would love to see them! TIA !
Hello I am new here after googling Corringham Road, Stanford-le-hope. I was just wondering if anyone remembers my Mum, Marian Helen Barnes. She lived at 24 Corringham Road around 1954-1957. Unfortunately she has recently passed away and going through her items came across her autograph book and its in excellent condition and there are quite a few names in there! Her parents were Marjorie and Albert ...see more
i remember the headmaster caning you backside until it bled, and he soaked the cane in salt water! also his dog walked around the dining room with excrement hanging from his backside!! not happy days for me??
I was born 1943 in Purley Cottage Hospital, lived at 2 The Mount, christened at St Peters and taught at Woodmansterne Primary for a while. Walked to school via Hatch Lane and Rectory Lane and where they joined is, I think, where the photo was taken. The walk, as an unaccompanied 6/7 year old was not considered to be safe and even though the London Borough of Sutton was my home I was transferred to Smitham ...see more
We live in Bells lane and went to Wraybury primary school then to Datchet comprehensive After school I worked in Griffith village store on Monday Thursday evening and Saturday mornings Happy memories
In the 1960s winter frost would make going up Greenhead and Glenwhelt Bank too slippery for cars and lorries - they would need to wait for it to thaw. A few wagons crashed into a tree on the right hand bend - it's now a house built by the Waugh family. I noticed the rise of car ownership first hand - the notable increase of new cars stopping for petrol at the Waughs garage. The train station was open, together ...see more
I am sure my mother worked as a kitchen maid at Guisborough Hall in 1952 when it was possibly a nursing home, Cant find anything about the history in that era. My mothers name at that time was Gorgina Mary Mc Cormick. I always remember a photo she had of herself in her uniform outside the hall. My mother is no longer alive and I am on a discovery of my past so any memories any one may have regarding above would be most ...see more
Around 3/4 yrs of age- 1948/49 - I came across my first foreign work men coming off the boats at Woolwich. The men wore a rough looking outfit - blue in colour - as I recall. Upon asking my father who they were and where they came from ,he stupidly replied ,'Smoked Irish men' and I believed him until mum said 'Teach the child sense' To this day it has been one of life's unsolved mysteries. Those men looked so poor ...see more
I was born in Romwood Court, Langley Maidstone on 7th March 1944. My Father was in the Royal Engineers serving in France.
Virginia and I arrived at Loveden Hill in early September of 1972 during the middle of the last major dig on the site. She had found an ad in the Times for volunteers at the site and moved into the farm enclosure in our Citroen van. We were delighted to find that we would be doing the cataloguing of finds as they came down the hill to the farm house. This meant we would get to see everything and would need some ...see more
Just past Hockley Primary School on the way to the village was a small sweet shop/cafe? and it was run by a really nice man called "Bill". He used to sell 1d lollies to the school children. The shop was right next door to a big oak tree. The oak tree is still there, but sadly the shop is gone. I wonder if the people who live at the house now built on the land ...see more
I was born in Wellington Street on the 16th. of June 1955. My mother was Kate Holland, formerly Henderson. and my father was George E Holland. Sadly he passed away in 1939. So I dont remember very much about him. I had a great time in my younger years, swimming at the Vic baths, walking down Station Road to the station and buying a penny bar of chocolate from the machine on the wall. My schooling was at ...see more
I was fascinated when I saw the new development of Garndiffaith photo. This photo is of Lasgarn View, Varteg, which is just above the Garn. I was born in Primrose Cottage in 1951 with my brother as we were twins. My name was Marilyn Jenkins, my twin was Mervyn. We had so much fun in those days, when we moved to Lasgarn View. Wow, the back of the house lead onto Lasgarn Wood an imaginary world of climbing trees, ...see more
Hi does anyone here know whether The Imperial Laundry was near to Stanmer Road in Battersea in the 1960's Thank you for your time dottie
In circa 1964 to 1969 I was still at school in Romford ( Clark's College) and had the " hots" for Clare Coles who lived in part of the old house with her mother and father. I think he was the estate manager , he had a Ford Anglia estate car !. Clare was blonde and tall and my idol but alas she did not have the "hots" for me! I used to cycle over 15 mls to see her on a Saturday if only for a few ...see more
Light-years before the introduction of the mobile phone, Welling in the 1950's had mobile networks of its own. These were weekly delivery services to households in and around local streets. As a young child I was always excited by the Saturday arrival of the R. White soft drinks lorry and our usual order of lemonade, cream soda and Tizer. I remember well the familiar clinking of glass bottles in wooden ...see more
I moved from Blyth to Seaton Sluice into a newly built house in Cresswell Avenue in 1957. Life as a child in the village was exciting; most days we would either play on the beach and harbour or the new building development behind Parkfield in Easedale. We made camps in the former garden of the demolished Jacobean house at Seaton Lodge and used Starlight Castle in the dene as our ...see more
The old rest hotel in Kenton always reminds me of the terrific motor cycle accident my uncle Desmond Brennan had coming away from the pub, subsequently had is leg amputated and went into a decline,.
From 1947 I lived in Bedford Road at the top of East Hill but my maternal grandparents lived in the prefabs at the other end of town. The name Blackmans Close sticks in my mind for some reason but I’m not sure if it’s my memory playing tricks - at the age of 75 that seems to happen at times lol. Does anyone remember if there were prefabs in Blackmans Close &, if so, whether that address still exists - I assume the ...see more
This once sleepy hamlet was first home to me, a better place for childhood there could not be. Little Drayton church and it`s `olde` Sunday school. fishing excursions with Uncle to Buntingsdale pool, Dalelands West; lucky dipbags, Reardon`s supplies, Monday morning washdays, roller skates, blue skies. With my `Dan Dare interplanetary telecommunications set, boyhood dreams of space missions ...see more
My grandparents ran a cafe in South Harrow in the 1950s. They were called Thomas and Stella Parsons. We think it was called Parsons Cafe but it may have been called Belmont Cafe or something else in entirely! My dad, Tom Parsons, used to help out there too. Does anyone remember it and remember the name? Any memories most gratefully received.
i lived at 13ward gardens just by the village green.spent my youth there until moving to new zealand when i was 25,spent many a day fishing for sticklebacks in the stream by the pond back in 1964,as i got older spent many an hour in the 3 pubs by the pond,was just looking up my old school in burnham lane [Haymill] tosee that it as been redeveloped,Have great memouries of my youth there.