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Displaying Memories 3521 - 3600 of 36589 in total

Well I am overwhelmed that you remember my family and Waldecs. I was not expecting to hear from anyone as I know so much has changed. Yes I remember the fish and chip shop well George's and his lovely family. I only have found memories of growing up as a child in north Wembley. Very sad to leave when I around 11 years old. I am grateful for your tips on approaching the council or the library for information. I will do ...see more
I came down to Bognor with my family for a three week holiday every summer in the late 50s early 60s, first from Redhill and then from Godalming, Surrey It was mostly on the train, and the last time we came it was in our new car in 1964, before we forsook the Sussex coast for North Devon. We always stayed in a flat in Landsdowne House, on the sea front, above a row of shops between the Royal Hotel and ...see more
Hi would love to find or see a photograph of Zena Lewis who lived at the Blacksmiths forge in Spurstow. She died when she was 26 From David Mollart
Am new to this,but does anyone remeber the the farm in norris avenue.The Paltermans.i am looking for Bob (robert) Palterman,would love any news of him.They moved from norris avenue to a house on London road? opposite St Crispins shcool.Would love to hear from you.I now live in
My best friend lived in the Highgate pub on Benfieldside road across from the miners arms does anyone else remember the pub and have any photos?also what year was it demolished? We had such fun in that pub x great memories x
Hi - I have just discovered this site and was interested by memories of Selsdon - particularly from Jaqueline Cook remembering Littleheath Woods! I spent the first eighteen years of my life living in Ingham Road -the other side of the primary school from Foxearth Road - from 1948 - 1966 before I left for university. My parents Les and Chris Munton moved there just before the outbreak of war in 1939. Apart from a short ...see more
Any one remember the penny drinks shop on the Hanworth Road near to the traffic lights at the junction of Bell Road and Hanworth Road. opposite Silvesters.
In August 1956 I went to Bretby Hall as a Cadet nurse, in 1957 I became a student nurse but sadly had to leave in January 1958 because i developed Dermatitis .We spent so much time cleaning the wards, the trollies ,the sluice, ,we did not wear rubber gloves in those days just kept washing our hands,I am not surprised I developed dermatitis on my hands .The matron was so strict, the night sister ...see more
Who remembers me from St Lukes school in the 60's ? Stephen Buck
Lydia Hall There were some lovely buildings that have been lost to demolition , the elegant Georgian Pear Tree House that was the Doctors home...the "Dutch" house on the green....and does anyone remember the Windmill that was left to rot.....further afield was the Elizabethan Belhus House with a parkland designed by Capability Brown , now a golf sad that Thurrock Council did not see fit to preserve its ...see more
I went from Arden Park Primary School to Bredbury Secondary Boys School just before it became a Comprehensive. Left 1972. I remember Andrew Smith, Steven Smith, Paul Finch, Alan Gresty, Craig Fairbrother, Barry Greenhalgh and many others with great memories. What happened to Julie Pugh? I also went to The Life Boys, bit like the Sea Scounts. Does this still exist?..... in the St Barnabus Building.
I lived at 92 west st with my grandparents Nellie and moses board.and my brother Adrian,My name is Andrew Jenkins. I Was born in 1947 and grew up in the 1950s I have a lot of memories of going up the mountain,up the the swimming pool in summer.the lads Brian Evans,Lionel Jones.Peter Griffiths,Laurence Brobyn,and the schooldays. And we walked everywere,such good days.
So happy I have just found this site. The photographs brought back so many happy memories of my childhood. We lived in the prefabs in Larkspur Road, number 24. I was 2 years old in 1946 when we moved there, and we moved away when I was 14, to London, We had such fun, freedom to run and play in the many green areas behind the church, not forgetting the naughty days when we ignored our parents ...see more
I lived in the huts in Thames road in the 50 s does any one remember the 3 tar baby's their names Tony Emery, Linda Emery and Frank Spall they got stuck in a tar pit opposite the huts . Also remember going on school bus to Westbury school and infants.
My grandparents lived at the top of the village Mr/s Pearson. We used to visit from Scotland and spend time walking in the common. I had a friend called Robin who lived above the bank near the square. My grandparents are buried in the churchyard.
My name is Jeffrey ball I had a a brother called Graham we lived in Veronica close does anybody remember Veronica close and all the games we used to play down there as kids
My daughter was born here in 1982. I have memories of neat little wards and long corridors.
My mom lived in ,14 Barnet street, with her parents George and Annie Monks. George voluntary joined the army at 40 years old, and served in Norway. My mom was born in 38. My mom Dorothy moved to Canada in 81 with our family. Dorothy has many memories of those days, running to bomb shelters and going the the corner store for candy. The Monks lived on Barnet in 30's then moved to Skem in the 70's. My mom went to Earle road school
II was born and grew up here my name was Janice Kemp I have visited on a few occasions but the happy places where I went can never come again.
I lived at no 50 just 2 doors down from st Winifred’ s church from 1944 to 1964. My mother was Stella Jeffery and my grandparents Mona and Charles (Jeff) Jeffery who was a dentist and had his surgery at No 50. Does anyone remember coming to see him? My name is Sue but I was generally known as Susan Jeffery. I too was in Handle’s Choir with my friend from Miskin, Margaret Williams. I loved the choir. I also ...see more
Hello, I am after information about my maternal grandmother, who I have been told was a land lady in the early 1960's at this pub, she then moved on to the Prince of Wales burnt oak. She was known as Helen Holt and Helen McColm and she maried Norman Scriven or Scrivens, but I don't know if that was at this period of time. I'm trying to trace what happened to her, as there is know trace of her from 1962. Gratefuly yours, Clare
Hi, back in 1996 i was a nursing student at Edgware general and the Prince of Wales was my local. I recently found out that my maternal grandmother, whom I'm sure is long since deceased, was land lady, along side her new husband of the time. She was Helen McColm and she married Norman Scriven or Scrivens. As far as I'm aware they were there in 1962, then all trace was lost of them. I would be delighted to find ...see more
I arrived at Stanhope castle in 1975 at the age of 10 years old. I was in bewdley house and I was made number 57. my memeries of Stanhope castle haunted my life, I have tried to take my life several times, I became a alcholic, my life has turned around now after loosing my legs to diabetes. I have joined facebook to be part of the Stanhope group, I found the group but not been accepted as a member of the group yet. I had suffered abuse to a degree it ruined my life. Andrew Kennedy.
I remember St Mary's bay my husband and I had our honeymoon there 1956, My husband Cedric Baldwin His Gran had a cottage there and the families used to go for regular trips, the Shop on the corner used to belong to his friend he always used to talk about what they used to do and we took our daughter and son there before we came to Australia. I know him and his family always loved it there we used to ...see more
how strange to see your message as i lived next door at 34 (you 36) really new Micheal who was younger thhan me ? My Parents and yours were good friends for many years - I also went to Princes Road then the Brook left in 1962 Played football for St Elizabeths and then Tavern Uniteed on Sundays Had paper round from Toones 10/- per week
A further photo of my father Charlie King breaking in a yearling.
This photo shows my father, Charlie King doing what he did best, breaking in yearlings.
Hello, I'm searching for one Kathleen Percival who lived at 119 The Grove and born in 1944. Did any of you go to school with her or can tell me what happened to her? I'd love to find her. Thanks if you are able to take the time to respond.
I worked in the hairdressers Marietts in Mortimer street . The manageress there at the time was Sue Adams , is she still around ? Roy Bence owned the shop this was early 60 s .
The 1841 census shows that my Great, Great Grandparents, Charles and Lucy Chick and their 6 children lived at Stock Farm Meonstoke. The article in the archives about Stock Farm in 1955 is very interesting. does anyone have anymore memories of this farm?
My 3rd Great Grandfather, Sylvester Smith, was admitted to Parkside Asylum, Macclesfield in 1889 where he remained until he passed away in 1901. He would have been residing there at the time the picture was taken.
Not seen Graham brindley since 1974 when i gave him a brand new wrangle jacket ha cord mine you
Does anybody remember Denis the bread man we would help him deliver bread and butter and he just gave us 20p and we would buy toffee logs from bobs on Thornton St or get some scraps from Frank's chippy
My Uncle Fred owned this factory at Pool House, Hednesford. He was my mothers brother and she was born there and lived there until married. I spent many happy times delivering lemonade with Mr Haynes to local pubs and shops in a very old truck. I also seem to remember some swings etc in a small childrens playground but not sure where. There was also a large gasometer nearby Pool House and ...see more
Is that you tarik knew Malcolm very well me and tje Beaumont ant maylett
Know the Beaumont seen pure bands at the circus stranglers pistols buzcock joy division my name is john maylett
I was at hornsea coverlesant home in 19 56 or 7 the people who look after us were nasty use to grab me by the hair and pull me around. the room because. I wet the bed I was a frightened little girl miles from home and I'll never stopped the abuse after a month was home again next year was sent to catholic hone in Scarborough loved it lovley place no abuse still have nightmares and I'm nearly 68
Anyone remember Diana? I was sent to Suntrap in about 1954 or 1955 and lasted two maybe three terms as I recall. It was a harsh place. I remember the cold washrooms in the mornings; the bad food, being nigh on force fed; allowed one clean dress a week after bath night.. By the end of the week it was filthy. We were also required to wear padded bodices for warmth. After lunch we were made to sleep outside for a while ...see more
My mother, Mrs Pat Bishop, was Headmistress of Boddington C of E School from November 1949 until sometime in 1962. In the beginning there were only about 9 children in the school, 5yrs to 11, no mains water or flushing toilets. My annual job was to dig a hole about 3ft sq. by 4ft deep, behind the school. The toilet buckets were emptied into this hole, disinfectant and soil scattered on top each week, ...see more
I have been holidaying in Borth y Gest for several years and my mother before me. We have just been very lucky to buy a house on Ralph St called Gowerian. I understand that the house was named after a ship that apparently sank. Does anyone have my information about this ship or indeed the house itself.....maybe a captain resided there ? Would love a picture of the “Gowerian”and any information Thank you
My Auntie May Howard and her husband Frank, from St. Helens, had a wooden holiday bungalow she called Homestead in Dee Avenue Talacre - it was definitely 1961 onwards and possibly just before that and the community centre stands there now. The bungalow next door was called Iona. We first went there as a family in 1961 when I was 13 and I loved it from the word go - to the amazement of the family, ...see more
I stayed with my Nan and Grandad who lived in Eustace Road so school holidays I used to help Charlie the blacksmith. His forge was in Back Lane which is a Roman road. My Nan did beautiful embroidered table cloths amongst other things so I remember Embersons, haberdashery where my nan bought her silks. I also remember Perks food shop, Lens the greengrocers in Station Road, Matthews animal feed shop where ...see more
In 1943/4 My mother, brother and myself were bombed out of our home in Summerly Street. In that house we had a Morrison shelter and the night the bomb hit, a few houses away from our house, it affected our shelter and my mother was unable to open the side of the shelter to get us out. She had to wait for help to arrive and open the shelter for us. We were evacuated to Sheffield. I remember ...see more
In the mid to late 1950s, we ten year olds used to "swim" in that pond despite the warnings about polio. The water was green and slimy and not more than a couple of feet deep. It was a man made concrete structure.
I was born in Ramsgate in 1953 where we lived for 6 years. We lived in a top floor flat next to the Granville Hotel right opposite the beach. Flat 5, Victoria Mansions, Victoria Parade! Lovely place for early childhood. I remember we could sometimes see Calais from the flat and have many memories and photos of walking around the harbour - also being taken to the swimming pool at the end of the slope.
I lived at what I think was 74 or 73 Garvan Road in the late 1950s early 1960s. My dad owned the house and we had a family living upstairs and I recall their surname was Parsons. Next door was a friend of mine and his name was Jonny Douglas. Our house backed onto Laundry Road which was a dead end. We mostly played in Laundry Road. I can remember going along the back of the houses in the summer where we brought toffee ...see more
I moved to Luton as a child in the early 60s. My first school was the St Maria Convent on Rothasey Rd, Later Denbigh Road Juniors, remember our crazy Gibraltren Head Master, then Denbigh High, stern Mr Whittaker and then Luton VIth form college Remember Bikes at the Sun and the Cock Inn, Dances at the Queensway. Saturdays by the flamingos in the Arndale. centre. Horseriding at Lilley Riding School, peacocks at Whipsnade zoo:)
I went to Burgess Manor school between 1963-1967. I remember most of the Teachers but i wondered if anyone remembered Miss Pett. She was the English/Drama Teacher. I think of her as a bit of an enigma. She looked as though she had stepped out of the 1940's always wearing twin sets and pearls. Sometimes a tweed suite with a v-neck jacket where you could see the usual row of pearls. If anyone has ...see more
I lived in the hostels from 1956 to 1965, firstly in 5 Ty Draw Square (around the back of the nursery school), and later in 17 Heol-y-Ynys, right next to the square (where we played football, cricket and kick the tin). As well as the shops owned by the Fords, Priddles and the chip shop, I remember the jazz band (Mr Heggety?), and the carnivals. The carnivals often drove through the hostels and ended up near the ...see more
1946. When the war ended and my father came home, my parents brought me to Hiram from Bournemouth to see his parents. They lived in one of the small cottages just up from the hotel on the Heathfield Road, on the opposite side from where Don Cockell lived a little later. After that I went to stay with some friends or relatives, I’m not sure which, at a holding a Maynard Green. Tony Mesher
I went to Welbeck Secondry Modern school for the last 2 years of my school life. At 13 I passed a 13+ exam and at Welbeck we underwent a 2 year basic building course. We did all the building trade: bricklaying, carpentry, technical drawing, history of building, building science etc. Our teacher was Eric Bushnell, a man who made everything interesting. I could not have had ...see more
I also worked delivering papers for Len Grey. I delivered down Mill Street and some down Corbett Road (where I lived) and in the Delph. When I started work, the first day the Sun newspaper came out I brought it from Lens shop and for a few years after because that's where we were picked up.
Chris Searle....many happy memories growing up in Houghton ..Ithink it was late 60s when we came here via kent /London...My first school here was Hillborough junior [GREAT PLACE] even with its outdoor pool bbbrrrrr...Would love to see some photos of it but alas cameras were expensive items back then, not something your parents would let you use. Our 1st abode was 23 KENT ROAD..then 74 [I think] Chelsea Gardens, ...see more
A closer view of Chelmsford Road and Hutton Rd (Shenfield High St) from the Courage playing fields.
I lived in the Flats above the shops on the right, in the mid 1980s until 2000. I was born in the general area early 60's, it didn't change much.
I believe this picture is taken in the Courage playing fields, Shenfield, there are Church yards to the right, this is looking towards Chelmsford Road (runs across the pic, left to right) and Shenfield high St would be leading straight off into the distance from the T junction with Chelmsford Road. There is previous Pic of some shops in Chelmsford Road, these would have been on the right in this picture, on the road.
My grandparents, George and Bertha Unwin lived and worked in Churt Between 1913-1924. They married at St Johns Church on Christmas Eve 1913. My grandfather was chauffeur to a Mr Shattock at Bookham's and they lived at Bookham’s cottages. After the death of his employer they moved to 2 Council cottages and then moved to Bournemouth presumably because of work. My grandmother loved Churt and always talked about it, ...see more
I lived on this road, with my Grandparents, a little further along on the right at number 153, from my birth in 1963.
I lived in and around this area for many years. - Many thanks - we will update the database. Ed.
The ice-cream parlour was Diplomas in Pier Road. I too went ballroom dancing above Burton’s. Went to Crescent Road School, walking past the Co-Op stables every day, seeing the horses who had done the milk rounds. The Odeon was a must for Saturday morning pictures. I can remember getting a Birthday card every year with a sailing ship on it and could go to the pictures for free. Such happy and carefree days and so many ...see more
I attended Hamilton House school on Florence Road from about 1950 until 1956 when I was sent away to boarding school at Sutton Valence School, Kent. My memories of HH are, like most others, very mixed. The only teacher who was any good at teaching was Mr. Taylor who had, for the era, the novel notion of using a Lesson Plan whereby he knew what he wanted the boys to learn. He was in charge of what was called the ...see more
I grew up in Elm Park from 1963 until moving away in 1978. I loved the carefree childhood I had, going over the park with the beautiful weeping willow trees, the huge lake and woods, the brilliant swimming pool, and doing penny for the guy outside the train station, such a safe area. All the neighbours watched out for each other, kids played on the street. And later getting the 252 or 165 to Romford market. I went to ...see more
Hello I would dearly love to hear from anyone who remembers my mother, myself and my sister when we lived at 'Crossways' with the Radclyffe family. My mother was their cook/housekeeper. It was the early sixties and we lived there for about five or six years. She was called June Hindley and my sister was Tina. I went to Moreton school and again, if anyone remembers me being there I would love to hear from you. Thank you so much and I look forward to hearing from you. Susan Hindley
My parents met in Bray when my mother worked at the Hinds Head Hotel and my father sang in St. Michael's choir. She served the thirsty singers! This was back in the late 1930's. Born and raised in Bray parish I was confirrmed and later married in St. Michaels. For many years I was an active member of St. Michael's sunday school and youth club, with fond memories of the boys there ! In my teenage years I had my ...see more
I have fond memories of new malden. I lived in the flats, Byfield Crt, for 15years. I went to Bushy school and then Burlington - it was an all girls school. Mrs Bray was my headmistress. My mum worked for Mrs Starrs cafe, worked alongside making homemade pies and cakes - I used help some times. There was a girl named Jacky who used to help out - her dad was a chauffeur for the man who ran the betting shop ...see more
St Peters church is in the high street .....this must be the path from St Wilfrids chapel at Church Norton the former site of St Peters Church Thank you, we will alter our database. Ed.
this cant be 1965 the hotel burnt down in 1961 - Many thanks for this information - all our later images can only be dated to within 5 years - but we will change this to before the date of the fire! Ed
this is not the white horse caravan park this is Pontins Broadreed at Selsey Many thanks for this information - we will update our records. Ed.
I was born at the Grange Nursing Home in Berkhamsted on November 19th, 1950. My parents were John and Marjorie Stanborough, my father was a school teacher at Park View School which later reverted to Westfield. We lived on the Durrants Estate in Ashridge Rise and I have lovely memories of playing with my friends there, having picnics in Ross Way and playing rounders on the green. Sometimes we ...see more
I was a Student at the South London Hospital for woman and Children in 1957 and for a few month working at woodhurst Lodge,at Pease Pottage. Just remenisen and using my Ipad came across the Photo .Stired up lots of memories .
Like many others here I can recall the quite abusive treatment at Dedisham. Two particular infamous traditions which haunt me, are the situations where a child would wet the bed. This would result in immediate immersion of the kid in a (very) cold water bath. Secondly, I recall the frequent locking-up of 'naughty' boys on a huge cupboard. I do remember Neddy the donkey.... I was there I guess 1950. Geoff Carter
I have no good memories of this place. Cruelty and abuse are the only memories I have
Anyone know the origin of the seals on the side of the buildings at Apex corner The Apex Corner seals in Mill Hill and some pics to show where. I collated more details on my blog - Can you solve the mystery of the Apex Corner Seals in Mill Hill? Find out all about them here -
I remember your grandad George Jones well. He was our coal merchant. He was always a welcome sight with his coal lorry, especially during the war when coal was short. I was born in 1938 and moved to Lawrence Avenue when I was about two. As the years went by I remember a couple of lads with him on the back of his lorry. Sometimes, when desperate, we had to push a pram down to plead with Mr Jones just for enough of anything to tide us over until he could bring us some coal. Happy days!!
In doing family history research I discovered my Grandfather, George Crowhurst, was born and grew up in this beautiful home from 1895 til 1920. His father, Isaac, leased the house and the land to farm. They lived on the farm until Isaac's passing at which time George's mother took the remaining family to live at Whiffen Farm with Jacob Crowhurst (I assume Isaac's brother) until her passing at which time my ...see more
I tried to post on the board earlier, but may have botched up. But if it appears twice. Whoopsie! Now, I'm going back a bit... My grandparents Annie and Arthur Booth and their daughter (my mum) Barbara lived on Sadler street #4, subsequently moving to Princes Road #60, I'm guessing mid to late 30's. Possibly much later. I know they were living on Sadler in 1933. That's when the Booths adopted my ...see more
i have memories of ramsey modern school I sang in the choir had a great teacher mrs brougham I also remember mrs lavender and mr tolby especially the bike rides and the roller scateing ring my best friend was janet walker we lost touch when we both moved house Inow live in Windsor have a husband two children and 5 grandchildren still remember my time at ramsey.denise nee belcher
This memory was shared with my lovely Grandmother Cath Grant during my visit from NZ. "My husband Mick Grant and I, Cath Grant, moved here from Wimbledon in 1961. I had a son called Alan and was expecting my daughter Vanessa in the Summer. I had never heard of Frimley or Camberley so it was all new and a little bit frightening. I didn't really want to leave Wimbledon as I had a lot of friends ...see more
I am going back in history ,now, but reading the various comments brings back many fond memories. I was born in the top house on Milton Road and the view from our front window was identical to the first published, with the exception of the top part of the road, which started with Guest's Butchers, followed by Higgs Fish shop (in my time ,known as 'Chippy' Chambers) followed by the Tobacconist/ sweet shop (better known as ...see more