Nostalgic memories of Morley's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 11 - 20 of 20 in total

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I fondly remember being taken to the market by a lovely girl from Tingley, a Miss Maureen Peatfield. Being a lad from the very north of England I had never seen as much activity. The thing that surprised me the most was the girls all had their hair in big rollers with all sorts of head scarves wrapped around them. I also remember she bought a piece of cloth (was it dog's tooth?) and when went out to the Ship in Leeds ...see more
My grandmother was a pen pal to Phyllis Wilson from 1937-1944. The first letters are from 1937. Phyllis was 15 and a student at Morley Grammar School. Looking for anyone who knew Phyllis and knows if she was married and her married name. Wondering if my grandmother's letter survived the years as Phyllis' letters did in my grandmother's cedar chest. If Phyllis had children I am sure they would love to see the many letters she sent to my grandmother in Ohio.
I remember visiting Tingley in the late 1950s and staying at a house opposite the Scarboro Arms. I have tried using Google but the area has changed so much it was difficult to identify exactly the area. The people were called Peatfield and they had a beautiful daughter called Maureen and a son called, I believe, David. They had relatives that had a stall in the old market in Leeds. I do hope Maureen and David are still with us. It was such a lovely area in those days.
I lived in Rooms Lane, Morley, from birth to 23 years of age (1935 to 1959). My grandfather had built a pair of semi-detached houses there, one for himself and grandma and one for my family. In those days you could walk past Tetley's farm and down the rough track to the main Leeds Road at the bottom. There were about four families with cars when I was a child, the only other forms of transport being the horse drawn carts ...see more
I well remember the name as I lived to the rear of the Albert Terrace, at number 11, and the Thistlewoods lived on the front on the Britannia Road. Elsie, Harry and Bob, I am sure those were the names. I often made unannounced visits as I did to several houses on the block, most times being made very welcome with the odd treat coming my way...jam tart, a bit of bread and drippin maybe...eee ...see more
I am trying to trace anyone who has knowledge of Harold Bulter or his family who lived in Morley around 1957. I believe he could have lived on Albert Terrace although I cannot find this street when I visited recently. I can find a Albert Road. Harold worked at that time for the West Yorkshire Road Car Co and was around 41 in 1957. Previous to that he worked in the tannery industry. He was married with 3 ...see more
I lived in Morley from 1953 till 1960 with my father and brother. We lived initially at Fairfield House which was directly across from Dartmouth Park. I have fond memories of the gardens there and the many times I spent asking the gardeners about the different plants, which have stayed with me after all these years. We moved to Scotchman Lane in 1959 and I can remember playing in and around the quarries at the back ...see more
I came from Leeds to Morley as an 11 years old pupil to MGS and was placed in Form 3X. Our form master was Mr Carmichael, and the Head was Francis Henry Hulbert, a fine Headmaster. Senior Master was Mr Charles Thetford, and the Senior Mistress Miss Nancy Kenyon. Our PT Instructor was Mr C. A. Sutcliffe. The School Caretaker was a Mr Cottam,and Mrs Cottam was in charge of school dinners. I moved up the school ...see more
In 1944 I was a 13 year old pupil at Morley Grammar School. One beautifully sunny Sunday evening I walked from my house at 16 Albion Street (now Morrison's carpark) and about 40 yards East of the Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene (since rebuilt). I climbed the old quarry tip at the junction with Corporation Street -now the site of the police station I believe. From this high viewpoint I looked out across Morley, and ...see more