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Displaying Memories 5041 - 5120 of 36585 in total

I found this cutting from the Lynn News & Advertiser, Friday, January 12, 1968 and thought it might be of interest to others. IF ANYONE COULD BE CALLED A MAN OF MANY PARTS THEN SURELY MR. BERT WELLS, OF 20 SEAGATE ROAD, HUNSTANTON, IS SUCH A MAN He has just retired at the age of 65, after 21 years as an electrician with Eastern ...see more
I lived in Wood End Lane until rather late in life really. Moved out of the family home when I was 29 and moved to Ruislip. I went to Wood End Nursery, infants and Junior Boys school, then moved to Horsenden Secondary Boys School. Both schools were good and I have many happy memories of my years there. My mother used to keep my brother and I busy during school holidays and sent my brother who is 2 years older than me to ...see more
Hi All, does anybody remember Chalfont St, it was just off Trafford road a stones throw away from Salford docks, any body have any photographs of Chalfont St.
I was born in 1934 and lived at 26, Gatonby Street until I married in 1955 so I have a vast store of memories of "old" Peckham both before, during and after the war I went to school at Oliver Goldsmiths and two things in particular stick in my mind - the first was the mobile showers that used to be erected in the playground so that we kids could have a decent wash during the war - home bathrooms were unknown - ...see more
I was a 9 year old boarder at the Meath School for a year in 1981/1982. In those days the school was a state specialist convalescence school for respiratory diseases. I remember my time in Ottershaw fondly. Each week we'd all walk in a group to the nice sweet shop in the village so that we could spend our I think 30p pocket money. The shop attendant was so patient with each of us as we uh'med and ah'ed over ...see more
My mother and father taught at Sheephatch from 1947 to 1956. The figure on the right hand side of this photograph with her back to the camera looks distinctly like my mother, Elizabeth Davies. Could it be her?
I can remember, as a small child, soldiers being given tea and scones by my granny at 96 Coatbridge Road in Ramoan. This would have been between 1942 and 1945 and the soldiers were part of a detachment based nearby. Their base was a couple of Nissan huts situated at the corner of Muirdyke Road, (known locally as "The T-Road"), and Coatbridge Road. I would be grateful for any information anybody can share with ...see more
I remember coming home from school and playing on the rope swing over the bog on the river cole, it broke because we had all of us on it I went home smelling awful.
Isaac And Margretta Griffiths lived in Cefneithin, (Dyfed) in Tabor Villa on Carmarthen Road until 1939. From there they ended up living in West Bromwich in the West Midlands. As far as i understand it was my granfather, David Glanmor Griffiths, who set off on his bicycle in search of work. He ended up in the Midlands and secured work. He then met my grandmother Eileen and had three children, my ...see more
In the 70's I knew Herbert Slade as a member of the Woburn Green Methodist Church. His family owned the scrapyard . His father had been the village blacksmith working at the rear of the Red Lion Pub. When the pub was refurbished, I took pictures of the forge that they had walked away from leaving almost everything. The entry door could be seen , solidly closed, in the side wall of the pub for a very long time.
I remember being at Coed Bell Cemetery and playing amongst the graves or picking Blundell in the woods beyond.
I remember attending the dances in the Old Town Hall. The promoters use to bus people in from all the local towns - Wem, Ellesmere, Malpas, Nantwich and Wrexham. I lived in Whitchurch and had an older friend who worked on the local paper, The Whitchurch Herald, and when the Beatles played[1963/64?] one of them stayed at his house on Wrexham Road. There were no disco so you went to dance ...see more
I have never been to Moreton Paddox but I just found some pictures of the gardens and house in my father's scrapbook from the war. He lived in the barracks near the gardens from June 13 to August 10, 1944. On the back of one photo he wrote, "I wish I was back in this place now. We had a pretty good time there." He also said that no one lived in that manner house, but that the gardens were very well ...see more
When my mum died I lived in Salford markendale st with a family my dad knew I called her auntie Esther uncle Walter her husband they had two daughters may and alma I lived there from age two for about 7 years from 1947 to 1953 I remember may had a baby called Terrence she worked in a soap factory alma got married and had a boy named David my brother Alan lived with ted and may they had a son john and daughter called Pamela my ...see more
I lived in Balham from the year I was born until 1963 when my family moved. I went to Henry Cavendish School and remember the swimming pool being built after a lot of fund raising. Mr Bassett was the music teacher and wrote many musicals performed by pupils. I lived in Rossiter Road, my maternal grandparents lived in Cavendish Road and my paternal grandparents in Kate Street. I used to go to the swings on Tooting Bec common ...see more
I was a pupil at St Oswald Girls School 1963-1967. Miss Muriel Stevenson died just before I started so Miss Rowena Stevenson was headmistress when I started there. I think she was heavily influenced by her friend Miss Oram who used to organise the plays etc that were performed in the grounds. I remember being in a nativity play at Hexham Abbey which was beautiful. The school also owned 2 ponies and other pupils were allowed to ...see more
I was born in 1957 and my Mums family came from Llanegryn. WE always used to visit Twyn for our holidays and stay in a guest house in Llanegryn. My memories of Twyn are all happy- I cant remember if it rained or shone but that really doesnt seem to matter ! I loved going on the little train- a holiday wouldnt be complete without it! I loved swimming in the sea and didnt feel the cold. I remember my Mum buying me a ...see more
I was born in Chippinghurst Manor on 26 November 1943. I am not sure how long I was at the manor. The reason I was there was because my mother, who lived in Woolwich South East London, was unwell and my grand mother packed her off to Denton because it was calmer. Also, my mother lived within a couple of hundred yards of Woolwich Arsenal - a prime target for enemy bombers. My father was away ...see more
My Great grandfather Henry Pulling ,Grandfather Harry and Aunty Sis,all lived at the Hut Hotel .Great Grandad was the proprietor.When when he died Gandad and auntie Sis took over.Aunt Sis told me how people would come for a day out and go rowing on the lake.The ladies would drink tea in the tea rooms and the men would have drink .In those days they turned up in the cars of those times and were pretty well off
I was born in Perivale Maternity Hospital as were my daughters..Lived the first 5 years in Greenford Road after which we moved to Greenford Gardens.The first infants school I went to was Oldfield,then on to Costons Junior followed by Coston girls school,had some good times there,headmistress was Mrs Humphries...Ravenor Park and Horsenden Hill were two of our stomping grounds,we also used to ...see more
Came across this picture of the Franscican convent. I went there as a boarder as a 4 year old and still shudder at the awful memories I had. Brutal nuns, punishments with a bamboo cane. Hanging out wet sheets on cold mornings. Forced fed greens and cabbage, no hugs whatsoever. Nasty place with nasty memories. Nasty nuns with irish accents. I ran away a couple of times. Ridiculous catholic superstitions. Left when I was ...see more
In 1955 I went to little Ealing junior school and I remember being taught by mr Lim. In 1958 I went to Acton County Grammar School where I was bullied mercilessly but in those days all the help you got was "ignore them they'll soon stop" They didn't. I was very unhappy and lied throughout my school life to avoid trouble. I also went to Ealing Swimming Club and St John's Ambulance on a Wednesday night. I attended ...see more
Hello ,, I am trying trace my family history ... I believe my Family originated from Westfield Catt was the family name .. my grandfather was Frederick Catt married to Alice .. they had a son George who married Gladys Tomlin from Battle.. they had a son Stanley my father .. they were a fairly large family I believe working on Farms in the area I believe The Moore was one .. a row of cottages was left to my ...see more
returned to Shipston on Stour only last week found Gerralds close house still standing and lived in . however the farm house still there and the land was turned into housing estate . brought some memories back .
The 1955 photos reflect a time well remembered by myself and many of the following will be recalled by old 'locals'. N90085. Home to Arthur Schlater and Norwegian wife. Not widely known is that he ran the Shetland Bus during WW2. N90020 Note the diamond concrete road surface suppo.sedly laid to accommodate the tracked vehicles of Maresfield camp. Looking W up the ...see more
Can anyone remember the name of the shop on the corner of market St which is now Barclays Bank. It was a haberdashery shop. I remember going in there with my nan and aunt in the 60's. Thanks.
My grandparents lived at The Bungalow, in Thornborough & I would look forward with excitement to our visits (from Middlesbrough) during school holidays. Me & my sister enjoyed the outside freedom that we did not have in Middlesbrough. I remember the bus that used to arrive each week on a Thursday at 2pm to take villagers to Ripon.The 4pm bus from Ripon brought ...see more
any imformation on Milton abbot school days from 1948. tom rosser
Yes I remember that Winter very well. I grew up at Wakerings Farm from 1960 till 1975. Trudi Turner lived just up the road and we used to wait for the school bus at Hands Corner, even in Winter. We were actually closer to Gt. Leighs church but the postal address was Lt. Waltham and of course we got all our meat from John Butcher (Campens) - as well as some delicious bones for our black Labradore - and our still ...see more
I am trying to trace my family. They were the Harris family that lived at Yew tree cottage ,hazeley bottom/ heath around 1910. Thankyou Rebecca Hillier
My grandfather was Tom Sanderson born 1859 in Thornaby on Tees.His parents were James Sanderson and Ellen Dunning. Tom had a barber shop in Bridge Street and later in Lyndhurst street. He married twice and had several children.His first wife was Mary Jane Stoker who died in 1894.They had 3 children Ellen Cecilia , Isabel Mabel and Joseph Sanderson. His second marriage was in 1900 to ...see more
I have many memories of LMT for I spent several long periods between 1935 and 1943 as an orthopaedic patient there. I didn't think it as awesome as others have described although I well remember Sister Hadley. I think we could do with sisters like her today for she ran a very strict regime at the hospital ... indeed, she needed to with some of the unruly children, me included. My first ...see more
My name was Moira Davies and I lived at number 6 Bryn Crescent , I went to Markham Mixed School until 1957 when I was 15, Miss Jones was the teacher of the babies class , I remember Mrs Powell and Duncan Pembry and also Mr Morgan who taught the boys . My best friend was Wendy ,I can't remember her last name but she lived at the top of Argoed , she had a sister Christine . There was a lot of us in school Josephine Morgan ...see more
The following is taken from my mother's memoirs and the time period Winifred would have worked at the Lodge was between 1929-1932. Her mother, Ann Pamela Myring (b 1887), is described as a 'Housemaid Domestic' in the 1911 Census at the age of 24, living in the house of her parents. I am assuming that the old sepia postcard we have of Shenstone Lodge is the same as Shenstone Lodge School, but this is ...see more
Hi have very fond memories living in prince town my four daughters all went to the local school they loved it there and the lovely school dinners I used to work at lord cafe in the snack bar side with a lady called Jan who used to sing in a group called the peasant pluckers also a lady called Mavis we had some good nights at the officers club loved dancing with my good ...see more
When I left Stanley Technical School at the end of 1956, I got a job as a 'Trainee' (another word for Apprentice' but without the security of a longer term employment), at Rollason Aerocessories at Croydon Airport, who were a small offshoot of the Rollason Aircraft company also on the Airport. Does anyone have any memories of those days? A lot of water has passed under the bridge since those days (or, ...see more
Back in the 50s...The Rag and bone man use to call down the rd ..The pe-fabs .. The corner shop ..Old air raid shelters ..The alley that ran behind the houses Kids could play safly in the street I remember many niebours then like The Atwells the Trumps....Adamson ...Kieths...Brezloe ..Lewis's......Coles.. Happy memorys My family were the Goddards ...
My mum Ruby Osbourne born in 1913 and her brothers and sisters grew up in Lowestoft. She married my dad a sailor in the Royal Navy and was then Ruby Pearce. She later moved to Wiltshire with my two brothers due to the Second World War. I as a child have so many happy memories of Lowestoft staying on the North Denes camping site, listening to stories of mums school days and how she fell down Corton Cliffs and ...see more
I was wondering if anyone out there remembers the bakery in capel Surrey ?Were the last owners called Christmas or was there another owner after them ? I've lived in capel all my life ,56 years. Steve redford
Yes, I remember Paper jack, my mum used to give him old papers but I don't think he ever put newones on! Hey, you must also remember Prince Monolulu who used to sell his 'Dead Cert' horse racing tips in Surrey Street market on big race days - I wonder f any of them ever won?
We moved to Southall when my brother Peter was two 1959/60 From a maisonettes in Hayes. I remember my dad had a lot of work to do in the house in Greenford Avenue as when we moved in it had creosote on doors and dark green paint. It was soon changed into a nice home with my dads hard work. My elder sister Linda and I had the biggest room at the back, mum and dad had front bedroom and Peter the box room. We went ...see more
Does any one remember or, like me, go to this school that had the same purple-mauve school uniform colour as the twinned girls' school just along the road? The alumni blog (with photos of teachers like Mrs. Pankhurst and Mr. Coulter) disappeared about 5 years ago in 2012 on the 50th anniversary (alas, no school reunion organised in time!) of the school closure when boys dispersed to local ...see more
Hi, I am trying g to trace a long lost relative. Hisn ame was William Stewart, born around 1945 to 47 , in Corby. I am lead to believe he was a specialist welder travelling all over the place welding. I am lead to believe that he work on a contract at Dounreay Nuclear plant near Thurso,Highlands in the mid to late 60's. Any information would be gratefully received. Many Thanks John
Is Southfield infants school still on bedfont lane I was there in 1959 then when we moved to peacock Ave I joined fairholme juniors my teacher was called miss Germainy I think does anyone remember!.
Is Southfield infants school still on bedfont lane I was there in 1959 then when we moved to peacock Ave I joined fairholme juniors my teacher was called miss Germany I think does anyone remember!.
Does anyone remember Clifford dairy I remember having to go to the milkman s house to get extra milk for my mum and on bedfont green had a shop we called gribbles ,I also worked at the ironmonger s shop as a kid to pay for bits of fishing gear filling esso blue paraffin for the old ladies,and also helped the bread man all Saturday morning for an ice finger great times will never forget those days.
I was born in 1954 in Bideford. I went to a small private school near the strand but it closed down, then went to church infants school near St Mary's Church, then to another school near Abbotsham Road , then Geneva School. I had lots of relatives living in Bideford, my Aunts - the Bird family, my cousins - the Beer family, my father the De Rycke family. My father owned Rose Bird & Co a ...see more
I was born in Butleigh had My tonsils out at age 4 at the hospital. It was so good looking at some of the old pictures of home and one of my parents outside our home wow it was quite emotional seeing them. Looking forward to paying a visit to Butleigh this year
I have not been to Whitehaven yet, I hope to write a memory this coming year 2017. My great grandfather George Hudspeth was born (1863) in the area of Claytor Moor,. My g.grandfather came to Nottingham when he was 20 years old . His father Thomas was a railway engine driver. So as time goes on the Railway starts to build and so did the work, and George worked as a Plate layer on the railway in ...see more
I was born in major cross st in 1947,then in1953 lived in Smith rd and stated at st Maries . I would like to see any photos from that time at st Maries i did have some but now long gone.
Firstly let be be clear I've never visited Whitchurch Shropshire. I was party to a phenomenon which took place there in the 1960s/70s. As a young journalist on several Popular Music Magazines, I became aware of major Agents in New York, Detroit and London making great efforts to ensure their artists appeared at Whitchurch Town Hall, later known as Civic Centre. I marvelled at how a small ...see more
Hello My grandfather was a police constable based at the above police station in the thirties, does anyone have any photos of the old police station, I heard that the building was demolished. Greetings from sunny Australia Alison
I moved with my family to WoT in 1953 when I was 13 and effectively left in 1958 when I became a student at Exeter University. At that time there were three grocers; we were registered with the one near the bottom of the High Street (rationing was still in force!) At that time the bus routes all 1s - the 1A went to Henbury, the 1B to Brentry, the 1C to Sea Mills - I cannot remember where !D an ...see more
I was born in 1944 and lived in Cranmer Road until 1958. Our neighbours on one side were Mr & Mrs Norwood, who always sent round a portion of home-made spotted dick for me on a Friday evening when rationing was still in force, and I devoured it with great relish! (Mr Norwood was a butcher so maybe he had some suet left over at the end of the week!) The other side was Mr & Mrs Jecks-Wright. Our ...see more
I'm sorry that I have no personal memories to share about High Wycombe, but I've been building up my family history for years and have found that a family member lived either at Frogmoor Gardens and/or at Loakes House around 1897. She was Caroline Scott, married to Jonathon Gortley Scott, she being born on the island of Mauritius, the daughter of James Duncan (my great-great-grandfather, ...see more
We moved in as you moved out but lost all contacts but remember everything I think you went to fairholme juniors .do you remember Mr Armstrong and Charlie weaver he lived next good to find out more.
We moved into this house early 70s once the bank closed down and has been our family home ever since. You would enter the bank at the side of the house and growing up this room was our playroom all the main room and bedrooms had open fires but it was still freezing!
Most people though it was just a spelling mistake that then stuck as an oddity, unless anyone knows better. Great set of pictures.
I have lived in Frimley all my life, my Dad was the local Police officer - ending his career in Frimley Police Station but he also worked in Camberley, Woking, Farnham etc and in Elstead as one of the first village bobby ! A dear friend of the Family Colin Williamson was laid to rest today - he use to run Colins Cage n Collar in Camberley High Street but the later date still ran the 3c's cattery in ...see more
I was an evacuee during the Second World War and was sent to Devon I wasn't quite 4 years old. I remember staying with Auntie Hetty and Uncle Jack I think their surname was Gay. I was there from 1939 until 1943 or 1944 they were the happiest times of my childhood we lived at Selgars Mills and I used to feed the chickens and help Uncle Jack in the Mill I had such a dream childhood. We had a car ...see more
I was born in Upney Hospital in 1943 and lived in Cecil Avenue, opposite the old off license. I went to Ripple School. We eventually moved to Westminster Gardens just around the corner to Bobby Moore (name dropping) where we used to kick a ball about in Greatfields Park. I have good memories of Barking but haven't been back for at least 55 years. I often do a trip around the town on Google maps just to keep ...see more
My Mothers parents owned this house ,i remember a post card of it but lost in time, was great to find this photo.there surname christmas, mother was born boxing day.
My mother, Angela Joan Balsom lived at the Paddox from the age of 2 until she was 16 (1935-1951). Originally she lived at North Lodge. Her father, Walter Henry Balsom, was Captain Emitt's butler. Upon the outbreak of WW2 Captain Emitt joined the life guards. As my grandfather did not meet the height requirement he joined the Welsh guards. My mother remembers being taken to school in the head ...see more
Hi anybody left who remembers the Tin Hut at Dodmire School that consisted of two class rooms for the pupils who were attending school for the first day .Teachers were Miss Minto and Miss Heart still remember the tears from myself and my mams .Also the school caretaker Spuggy Spooner who we were all frightened of when he shouted at us when we played on the heaps of coke. memories also of walking home ...see more
My father (a now retired Baptist Minister) left his church in Godalming in 1970 and we moved to Hindhead for a couple of years. We lived in a flat in Honeyhanger, formerly a hotel but by then a large house conveted to flats. It was then still owned by Mrs Mary Aubrey-Moore (whose Baprist minister husband had died by then) and we got the flat as they were friends of my father. It was a lovely place to live, with ...see more
Remember this hospital well.In 1952 had my appendix out. In there for 7 days. Boy in the next bed kept telling me jokes which made me laugh but hurt my stitches like hell. In 1965 my son of 4 weeks had to go in this hospital to have a small abscess removed from his neck.WE looked at this little mite through the window outside on the pavement and he looked soooo small in this large bed. Anyway all was well and the hospital did a wonderful job.
Do you remember the Gaumont Junior Club? For a few pennies on a Saturday morning, hundreds of local kids watched a cartoon, a newsreel, an information picture and a main feature...PLUS, there was community singing with John Bee on the mighty Wurlitzer organ. I remember that during the war, we all stood while Mr Bee played the national anthems of the countries that had been overrun by the Germans. ...see more
I was born in Nunhead in 1941.Athenlay Road was pretty much a middle class area at that time.
Saw my first "X" rated film at the Tower Cinema,before I was 16! French film,with sub-titles. Can't remember what it was called. Ken Cook Since writing the above, I have remembered that the title of the Film was Les diaboliques ("The Fiends")
Seem to remember as a child in the 1940s and 50s hearing train engine hooters sounding off in unison, to mark the turn of the year. Does anyone else remember this? Can't do it with diesels nowadays of course! So what has replaced it... church bells?
I attended this school from 1951 -1958 and Mr Henry Francis Bailey ( with his wife Mary ) was always the head. At least till the time I left in 1958. They had one son Christopher who I believe wanted to become a teacher too. I could write a lot on the school because I knew it so well. What does not show in the pictures is the large coach house barn close by at the top of the drive way. This had ...see more
Hello, I wondered if anyone had any pictures or post cards showing Shornbrook Cottage in Green Lane, any memories or information about it would be very welcome.
How could I forget another treat - a day out in Barry! This was before the fairground entertainments were there; there was just miles and miles of sand (at least that's how it seemed to me). I think we used to get there by train because I'm sure the trains ran through Bedlinog in those days. My dad's parents lived in Trelewis so that was another treat - spending a Sunday afternoon with them, I ...see more
Does anyone remember a grocers store in Mengham Road? It would have been in existence in 1910 but I am unsure of its history after that date and I believe it was owned by my grandparents. Pook is my maiden name.
My memories of Wembley High Rd are mainly Maynards sweet shop next to the steps, De Marcos ice cream parlor and the Lyons tea room above the shops (which later became the Job Centre). I remember also Wally Kilminsters where I bought my ice skates, and opposite was Stadium Motors at the triangle. I remember that as a boy we used to take great delight in sending strangers to Wembley asking for direction to Wembley High ...see more
Arthur Mason is my Paternal great grandfather he was born in August 1896 son of Fred Mason and Jane Ann Mason (nee) Yates. in 1901 according to the Census record i found on Ancestry he was just aged 4yrs old living with mother and father and his siblings: Fred Horace Mason aged (17) Ernest Mason aged (11) Herbert Mason aged (10) Annie Mason aged (7) Harold Mason aged (2) by the 1911 ...see more
We were an American family. My father was an airman stationed at Weather's Field and my first day of school was a walk down the hill from Stephens Close. Mrs. Gellespie was my first teacher. She was the one who taught me that it was a "sin to steal a pin." and "It's not a cookie , but a biscuit." I have many playground memories as well. The Beatle were popular and so all the boys would run ...see more