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Displaying Memories 561 - 640 of 36585 in total

I’m researching my family tree and whilst I knew my Great great uncle ran a pub in Siddlesham, as my Dad remembers his father visiting there, I wasn’t aware he also had a pub in Meonstoke too. George ran The Millers Arms in Meonstoke during WW1
I remember long hot summers back then 1960’s playing in Crago’s barn just outside of village and picking primroses down the hill at Treburgy Water with my sister .. we had to fill a basket and then when we got home we had to make them into bunches and tie elastic bands round the stems … I think they were then taken by train to be sold in cities .
Granville Roberts was born approximately 1903 in Hawarden, Flintshire, North Wales. He was an adopted son of Moses and Miriam Roberts. Anyone who can tell me more about Granville please email to
I was at the North Cestrian Grammar School from 1959 to 1964, under the Headmastership of Mr Hamblin and then Peter Morton. Lived in Timperley. Anyone else attend the Cestrian ?
I’ve just found this website, I had already spoken to Thomsons after finding out about case and seeing it in the daily record. I had a terrible abusive childhood and I was sent to Fornethy several times from 1971 - 1976 when I first went I was only about 5, memories from that time had been locked away, I told Thomsons all the dorm names, couldn’t remember teachers names except Mrs Fletcher. I’m ...see more
I am astonished that this collection is Francis Frith and I am assuming it is a coincidence that I found it when looking up Francis Frith of Eyam. Francis Frith was a resident of Eyam in Derbsyhire. He and his wife were buried in Eyam on March 11th 1836. The unusual thing about this was that Francis first murdered his younger wife and then killed himself. My family (Beeley/White) come from the ...see more
I also attended bush house open air school not sure how many years maybe one or two think I left around 1959 - 1961. I think my teacher was Miss Williams - I remember all the teachers names you have mentioned but only recognise one name ( Rosemary Crisp ) of the pupils , in fact I had a crush on Rosemary lol. I remember having breakfast in the hall every day and a big spoon full of cod liver oils and malt ...see more
When I was little, my Mum used to buy my school uniforms and ribbons from this shop. I vaguely remembered it, so it’s nice to see this photo.
I went to the school here. Mrs Foster was my Teacher and Mr Pritchard was the Head Master. We would cross the road to the village hall for Dinner. I vaguely remember having music lessons in the hall too (We all had recorder lessons). We were lucky enough to have a swimming pool, which was probably, almost unheard of in the 1970’s. We had pale blue and pale pink rubber rings, I think they were real rubber too. And I ...see more
Hello’ I lived in Houston Road 50s 60s 70s there’s a little lane at the rear of Houston Road called Carter’s Ali two old tramps as we used to call them in them days used to walk up this little Ali one was called Jack Rags the other was called soppy Sissel I know where they used to live but does anyone know who they were and their history. They were there in the 50s and 60s. Thanks Malcolm.
Does anyone remember the name of the little shop on the corner of Burlington Road and Rookwood Avenue. I lived in Beverley Road in the Fifties/Sixties and was often sent round for ice cream and sweets. I think it changed hands several times but I only really remember it being run by two, what seemed to me, ancient ladies. Possibly sisters they both had buns and one was very small and ...see more
Hi I went to Sidcup sec. mon. school 1961- 1966.My name was Ken Douch a great name, nobody could say it, nobody could spell it. I started in Mr Cocksey class 1b then Mr (peg leg) Jones 2b. As the school was on two sites we then went Bexley Lane. I could not spell at school and still can't so was kept down. I have changed my name and now live in Scarborough Yorkshire. Would love hear from anyone that remembers me. I would ...see more
I spent many of my younger years in the 60s at Ladram bay . One particular afternoonI took out a small Dingey with a Dutch friend and we did not arrive back until dark Only to see many lights on the beach we jumped out of the Dingey and started to help people push boats into the ocean asking the question what’s happening only to be told there are two boys lost at sea and we are are going out to try to find them .
I'm trying to make contact with any one who went to Chislehurst secondary school for boys in Edgebury . From 1963 to 1969
The first day of starting Ounsdale was terrifying, we had moved to the area the day before, no friends, new house, new area, new school but wished I could turn back time. My name was the brunt of jokes especially for one student in my class and a neighbour and sadly no longer with us. I have still have the 1971 photo remember sitting there while the photographer took so long to take the photograph, remember some of the teachers but headmaster Hoppo was scary!
1958/9 Stationed in the Radio School RAF Compton Bassett I met my first true love Celia from Edinburgh. Always wondered what happened to her after we last met RAF St mawgon,just before I was posted to Germany!
Hi my name is Peter Hatch and I went to Tylney from West Mark probably in 1954 until 1957 . My best friends at Tylney and still today are Peter Loxton and Leo Bonassera . Peter later changed his name to peter Dukes . We got into a bit of trouble at Tylney which resulted in us getting the cane from Mr Kirby . And being banned from watching the movies but we did anyway from the back . Peter Today ...see more
My parents ran a shop on the Broadway from the late nineteen forties until the early fifties, I think. It was a general store and – as far as I know – a seed merchant’s. I was born in 1950, but Heather, my older sister, would probably know more - I must ask her. The business failed when the manager of Dad’s ambitious second branch in Kinson ( I ...see more
My name is Alan Southgate. My Grandfather had an older brother George Southgate who was a Policeman in the West Ham area of London until his retirement in 1922. He subsequently became the Pastor of the Baptist Church in Thorpe le Soken.
Born in Purley Hospital in 1947, we lived in Bramley Avenue for the first 2 years of my life, but of course I have no memories of that. We then moved to 30 Grove Wood Hill, which is off Woodcote Grove Road. I had a couple of good friends in the road, One called Julius Caesar believe it or not, and another whose name I can't recall but he collected birds eggs, now illegal. Beside our house there ...see more
I used to live in Denmark square and I was 11 years of age. My friend Donna Meek lived in the army quarters. We used to adventure out behind the Cambridge hospital, were there was clear signs of bunkers that had been bombed, the old railway station was at the bottom. I found an old shaft which as kids we could climb into, it appeard to run up to the hospital. We would climb in there and go to the back which was ...see more
The viaduct that strides across Durham City was completed in 1856 and was open initially to goods (freight traffic) in the August of that year, the line had failed a safety inspection with regards to the working of passenger trains and did not open to passengers until 1/4/1857. The route and the viaduct was designed by Thomas E. Harrison and was constructed by Richard Cail of Gateshead.
I do remember that the signpost on the main road pointing towards Bratton had it as 'Bratton Seamore". My first home was Bratton Hill Cottage, since demolished and the land developed. My Father worked for my Grandfather on Bratton Manor Farm, riding his bike up Bratton Hill. One of my earliest memories is seeing him off each morning (farmers don't have weekends) and being taught to ...see more
I was born here in June 1947. My mother was a Yarlington girl who married a farmers boy from Bratton Seamore. If they had waited one more year perhaps i would have been brought into this world under the new National Health Service!
My dad Jimmy Brown was born in Greengairs in 1925, he lived with his family in Hill view. He's still going strong and turns 97 next birthday. Is there anyone who knows him as he's the last man standing in his family.
I went to Wrinsted Court with my mother and brother and sister in 1950. We went as tenants. Here is a short background. My father was killed in 1941 as he was in the Navy. Then my mother met my first step-father who was also in the Navy. I think when he came out he suffered Post Traumatic Stress which was not recognised in those days. He couldn't hold down a job and he started drinking and became violent. ...see more
I am the granddaughter of Isaac and Magretta who are both buried at Tabernacle. My father was Ieuan, brother to David Glamor, Luther, Elfed, Royston and Dougwell. They all moved to the Midlands in the late 1930’s. My great grandparents, Asa Jones and his wife, together with one of their sons are also buried at Tabernacle. Nana told me her grandfather was a preacher, I think his name was John Evans. ...see more
From the point where this pic is taken, I remember as a child walking by on a Saturday and there was a man with a whicker basket selling hot pasties. About the mid 1960's. He didn't just shout 'Hot Pasties' , he used to shout 'Hot Pastaaayyy'.
Hi..I too went to Flamstead End junior school..and remember Mrs Sibley and Mr Cave...Mr Cave lived in Pottars Bar and drove what seemed a large car then - an Austin Cambridge I think....there was also a Miss/Mrs Butterfield who was related to Mrs Sibley. Do you remember Mrs Golding who used a tamborine to bring in the children after a break. Keith Noble was deputy headmaster and only died a few years ...see more
I was there from 1969-1973 and had a wonderful time. Perhaps as there were no mobiles to contend with then. Miss Marshall was the Head teacher, I became deputy head girl in my last year and throughly enjoyed it. There were on 18 of us, as then you could leave ending your 4th year then. Who else was there then? I’m writing my memoir’s now as part of this.
Having recently decided to write my memoirs and having been born in South Croydon in 1947 I have been researching to check my memories are correct. I came upon this great website and have been intrigued to hear others memories of Croydon. I went to Heath Clark which was a secondary school when I joined in 1957 but for reasons I have never found an explanation for it became a Grammar School I think in ...see more
I attended Talavera Prinary School between 1964 - 1965 aged 10-11. Anybody else attend during these dates?
My parents owned the Edvard VII in the late 1950's before we moved to New Zealand. I would have been 9years old when we left. I recall quite a bit of my childhood in the area. Really sad to see photos of the pub now derelict. Now 70years old I am returning for a visit in September this year to visit places I remember as a child. Richard Morris
I went to the school when I was about 4 or 5, it was situated near Exeter road, near Kilburn Underground Station on Shoot up Hill. My memory is a bit vague but it closed down & they built Telephone House on the site, this must have been the the mid 1950s. I went to Beckford School for a while then back to Geneva House which was now sited near Cricklewood Broadway. I remember Miss Windbush, ...see more
My sister got put in this place .. she told me of how the staff were horrible.. when your parent visited there was always a member of staff present so u couldn’t tell what was really going on in there .. she said if u got any toys or sweets they were taken off u as soon as your parent left .. she said how the babies would cry all the time n she would try n soothe them when the staff had gone … I could see the trauma as ...see more
I recently did a share your memory of St michaels school..Graham terrace…..with a few names hoping to get in touch with… One of the names ….I sat next to in classwas Linda ( and as I thought I remembered, surname Goldsmith) I’ve now remembered her surname was Underwood… She lived in the flats mentioned in a few of the other messages… Which, lol unless I go back into the messages…I’ve forgotten the name ...see more
We were there from 69 - 72. I say we. Me & my four sisters, Denise, Pauline, Joan, Isable & me June HASTIE. Anderson & Dunlop were vile. Scrubbing the floors until they were gleeming. We used to do that when we got home from school. Cleaning the bathroom. They use to make me clean behind the door where they would keep going in & out so the door would hit me. Testing the bath water to see if it was ...see more
My parents had a chicken farm in Selsdon Vale, where I was born in 1948. I lived there until I left home to go travelling and then to university, at the age of 18, in about 1966. This was about the same time that Selsdon Vale was sold for building land, and my parents and younger brother moved to Croydon. Memories....roaming in the bird sanctuary, which was really near, and tobogganing there in the ...see more
Mon Apr 4th 2022, at 11:08 pm Lisa Younes commented: Hi I'm Lisa, I have secondary breast cancer treatable but no cure, on my bucket list is a wish to find out any information on a family surname Todd who were associated with a road called Summerhill in Drumchapel 1950s onward. My mam was Rose Wade and dated a James Todd -well that is what she told me but nothing else - she has passed ...see more
I was born in Thornton Heath in the late 1940's and learned to swim at an early age. My next-door neighbour, who was a couple of years older than me, was a member of Pollards Swimming Club and persuaded me to join as well. The club met in the large pool at Thornton Heath swimming baths in the late 1950's/early 1960's and the people who ran it also provided a very welcome mug of hot Bovril to drink after ...see more
I remember in the late 1970's / early 1980's walking to a sweet shop in Tartar Road from Freelands Road, where my Nan lived. The shop was converted back into a house shortly afterwards. The memory is so vague that I am starting to believe I made it up. Please could someone help me make sense of this? Thank you x
I lived on the Shelley estate at 12 Crispsey Avenue and went to the primary school in Ongar town near the town hall. Later I went to the new primary school on the Shelley estate on Milton Crescent. On the Moreton Road was a bicycle race track which my older brother Michael raced. I can still remember the houses across form my home being built. We lived next door to the Fogg's on the right and the Neil's ...see more
Brian Stock is my cousin. Brian's dad, Gordon was my grand mothers brother. My name is Chris Eve. I lost touch with Brian about 44 years ago. I often wonder how he is. We were quite close as kids. I remember you Sandra, and your mum and dad. Please get in touch with me. Email. . Xx
I was just about 3 years old when my parents moved to Wedgwood Street. No people seem to remember the street! I would like to get in touch with anyone who does know of this street or(wonder of wonders) actually lived there.I have many memories to impart! James Redshaw
I also went to Estreham school in the 50’s. It was Miss Best the music teacher, Mrs Farrant for PE. There was also Mr Cheek, Mr Martin and the headmaster was Mr Grey. Mr Hammer was the headmaster of Penwortham junior school, situated between the two floors of Estreham. My name in those days was Marion Chapman and my best friends were Anne Smallridge and Rose Everett.
Wonderful evening food and dancing Now 77 years of age but nowhere to equal it. Such a shame it had to close Susan M l#Leah
As a family we lived at Hendall Manor Farm in 1960/61 and at the age of four and a half years went to Herons ghyll school as it was the nearest one to home.Because I was not a Catholic every morning when the entire class attended Mass I was left alone in the classroom to await their return with no attending teacher/adult! Ii remember that there were two main rooms in an L shaped plan,one large hall and the smaller ...see more
Hello all, My name is Steven Spennewyn. I grew up in Southall living in Dagmar Road being born in 1955. I went to Clifton Road Junior School and Dormers Wells Secondary Modern School. I have fond memories of Mr Ramsden at Clifton Road and long summer days playing at Osterley Park. It would be good to hear from anyone who remembers the Spennewyn family ? Email
Dad would walk me from Hindley up to Plantation Gates then we would get the little train that ran from behind Haigh Hall plantation gates.Started walking in 1952 & went many times.
As a child, during school holidays I would stay with my Grand-parents in Newton Abbot and often travel to Torquay on the smart dark red number 12 Devon General bus. On the journey I would look out for the tunnel at Kingskerswell near Jurys Corner where sometimes our bus would have to wait if another one was coming the other way as both could not pass under the tunnel. I have been loaned a picture of the arch being ...see more
I lived in Malvern Road and later in Napier road. Spent many happy hours around the engine shed area "spotting". Also doing bike rides along the shore towards Rainham. My farther ran the timber yard in Jeffery street. happy days.. I'm 88 and still holding on in Gravesend, my birth place.
My Grandmother Violet Owned and ran a shop on the corner of Mora & Hassop Road, Dollis Hill behind Rolls Razor and opposite Smiths Factory, does anyone have information on this and what she sold. Or any photos of the shop, I believe it was bombed during the war! Thanks so much Ernie
while i was at the western I used to deliver papers in area of palmer bui;dings ,mark street ,charles street etc,,the newsagents was at high street east a Mr Mcgucken or something like that ..On sundays we met up at Wallsend railway station about 6 in the morning where we collected papers and was taken back to shop then went out delivering.. Ernie Walker
I lived at Trenches Farm caravan site in the mid 60s and early 70s when I was a teenager and I went to the youth club opposite the Red Lion pub it was the best time of my life I had very good friends once we went on a 20 mile walk for charity I was with my friend Steven and we were with 2 girls Sharon and Julie and we were the last ones back every one wondered where we were - we stopped at the pub half way round ...see more
I was born at 37 Alexandra Street. At the corner where our street met the Barking Road, opposite Star Lane and Mulcasters seed shop, was the bombed Odeon where we would play as children. I recall a pea souper fog in the late 40s or early 50s where I literally could not see my hand in front of my face. We were a few doors away from Farinos shop where they made the best ice cream ever. We moved to Hayday Road ...see more
I lost my wife on new years eve 2021 following three years of her illness with vascular dementia. No one really told me how things would progress with this dreadful illness and so I just tried my hardest to cram everything that I could into the time that we had left together. Picnic rides out to our our favourite places, Dunstable Downs, Ashridge Park, Bluebell Woods, Woburn Park, Windsor Park and ...see more
I remember Mr Kirby the maths teacher. I remenber going to dancing lessons at Erith with Freddy Kemp but cannot recall his dancing partners name. I remember the head teacher but forgot his name. In about 1953/4 we had an eclipse of the sun and we all laid in the field with dark glasses to see the eclipse. Barry Ptescott
I was evacuated to Forncett End in 1942 and lived at Ludkin farm, with Mr & Mrs Bradford, The farm has gone now, it has houses built over it now, I was four years old and and lived there till I was eight going to school in Bunwell. I wonder if anyone remembers Ludkin farm or the Mr & Mrs Bradford.
I went to Sydenham girls with Angela Smith, Pat Metcher, Paulette Savage, Janis Brush, Pearl Harkens! I remember Ms.Wright, she was a real tyrant with red nails & pearlescent high heels & used to give me detention for wearing nail polish!My English teacher was Miss Garood and she was lovely! I used to try and bunk off at lunchtime to go riding on my boyfriend Ken s lambretta & pop in the "crit"(criterion) for an ice cream or milkshake! Rose Merrifield
Hi there. This isn't so much a memory of my own. More that I'm hoping to jog someone else's memory.... I have a unique little vehicle (Hillman Imp pick-up) and the logbook shows it was owned by a Mr R Adams of 2166 Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham 26 I wrote to the address many years ago to see if he perhaps had some pictures of it in the old days but got no reply so I didn't follow it up ...see more
I was taken to visit this hotel around 1960 as my great uncle George Durham either worked there or owned it. If anyone has memories from this time please share with me!
Did anyone attend St George’s school 1963/4… I remember being in a class with Carol Klein ( you came to my birthday party in Knightsbridge barracks… Or Bettina Steiner who would always being reading a book…
Does anyone remember Ian Smith 1960s …. Had a red van, used to visit Headley…. Went to Kingston College… We went to the Greyhound races….and a clay pigeon shooting club….
Does anyone remember Ronsons Factory-in leatherhead.. I worked there in 1969 …same bench as Jennifer and Mary… Jennifer’s dad owned a cafe near Headley I think … He was Italian , quite a few bikers used to go in there….
I. am pretty sure this is the same place I was sent to with Chronic Asthma, when I was two until I was Six years old. It was called St.Marys and was run by an order of nuns. I remember having to have daily sun ray treatments daily, and were in dormatories. There was a massive big room where we had to lay on very thin type flat mattresses from 1.00 pm till 2pm for our afternoon ...see more
Hi all, I am trawling for information regarding John Cowe McIntosh. He was born with the name John Cow at Chapelhouse, Auchindoir, in February 1892. However, I cannot find a residence by that name. Thanks in advance.
My uncle Des emigrated from Dublin to Coronation Drive, Bolton On Dearne in 1950, he became a miner. In the course of writing letters home he told my mam that the streets of Bolton on Dearne were paved with gold, he had actually misspelled coal for gold. Mam and Dad and baby followed Des in 1956. They were living in Des’s house with him and his wife, l was due in a few weeks so mam found lodgings in Furlong Road, ...see more
I was 17 years old when this photo was taken. Four years later I went into the Motor cycle shop on the right and bought an eighteen month old BSA Rocket Gold Star. Without question the finest bike I ever owned. I remember selling it for £195 in 1968 (He bid me down a fiver) so that I had enough money to marry my sweetheart. She still is ! The Rocket Goldie's are being sold for £28,000 now. I'd rather have my ...see more
Seeing this picture brings back many memories of helping my father to serve Petrol at our small village shop, called Min Afon Stores. Not too sure if that is not me, in the picture, as we actually went out to serve the customers in those days. My wife and I own the shop now, rented out to our current tenant, No petrol, but still selling Derv etc, and the shop is much bigger, on the inside. My ...see more
I attended western from about 1955 to 1960,Mr Taylor was our form teacher music was Mr bell,Mr proctor took science..Mr Goodfellow took woodwork also Mr Spencer woodwork,,Mr Schofields was the history teacher,, I think it was Mr Heward was the head,,I thought Mr Taylor was quite fair,,There was 5 cinemas in wallsend at the time The ritz, which is where weatherspoon is ,,Gaumont at other end of high ...see more
Although I was working in Wales at this time, my parents still lived in Oakwood, and I was married at St. Thomas' in December 1969. I had previously gone to church and Sunday School here when I was still at home.
I was brought up near Boxer's Lake in the 1940s and 50s in Silverdale, one of the culdesacs off the southern arm of Lonsdale Drive. My first "job" was as a paper boy for Murrays the Newsagents on Bramley Parade, the nearest shop in this photo. I used to cycle up Merryhills Drive and along Bramley Road to work. Later, in my school holidays, they took me on as a junior assistant in the shop itself. At this time ...see more
My gran , Dolly worked there for years
My father (Snowy) was manager at the Alex from the early 50's until 1962. I remember how huge the bars seemed to me as a small child and how small they seemed compared to what I remembered when I returned for a brief visit in the early 80's. As a small child exploring all the old hotel rooms was a fascinating experience. I do remember that when the Caledonian bar opened on the first floor a man was hired to cut several ...see more
i was born at Thomas Clayton boatyard on the Gifford where mary white raised me until i was old enough to be on my dad's boat at the age of seven i can just remember walking the horse from the stable at 2oclock in the morning and George jumping out from behind the shed door he frightened me to death
Lived at 387 Elm Park Avenue. Benhurst Primary, then Suttons. I too studied under Miss/Mrs Syrett, Mr Walsh (great guy) / Mr Crew/ and the formidable Mr Pike for the last two years! Was he a stern bully or just trying to toughen us up for life? I was in the first extended course and left at 16 as Head Boy. Other names ; Mr D’Arcy (Head), I then did an apprenticeship at a plastics factory in Wingletye Lane. In ...see more
I worked in the NAFFI in Norton which was in Worcester inJan 1972 where I meet my hubby Michael Woodcock we went out for a bit and got married in the April no I was not pregnant.We got married in Pershore registerey office had a bit of a do in the Retreat pub in Norton village, we then went back to Wood Farm Camp to our first home think it was no 54 it had 3 bedrooms one was huge big kitchen ...see more
My Father was the farm manager for Mr Oakes at the park farm. I spent a very happy childhood growing up there. Two brothers and one sister.What a childhood we have my dad loved that farm .My old mum would invite every trader in for a cup of tea even Mr Oakes would be in the kitchen .I had loads of chores to do when I came home from the school. When I see that farm yard now all I can think of was my play ground. The old ...see more
I was 10 years old when my parents, Mr & Mrs Arthur Easton owned the gift shop called Janet Ware in the High St. Arthur & Ruby Easton, me, my brother John, 3 yrs, & my sister Rosemary, lived in the flat above the shop. We moved to Braughing in Hertfordshire in 1951, but I have memories of pushing my sister in her pram in the park.
I'm have somewhat distant relationship with Lee Green: My grandparents owned a greengrocers in Weardale Road and I was told that there were soirees at the Turpins where Fred Turpin used to play the piano ..... a lot of Chopin I believe. My grandparents owned a concert grand and were amateur players with a lesser skill-set and they often attended these little concerts. It was there where my mother (the daughter ...see more