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Displaying Memories 2081 - 2160 of 36585 in total

remember it well I worked part time on week ends and holidays when I was at school for alan I washed out the tins that the ice crème was put into I also worked at his café at the lidio swimming pool in droitwich making and selling candy floss alan used to drink in the Worcestershire vaults also called the tap my mother may haydon was a big friend of alans and he used to come to our our house for a drink at the railway crossing sadly gone now really good times . derek haydon
My name is Alan James I went to bosworth junior and infant school about 1957_1962then quarles secondary school for boys if anyone thinks they may know me please get in touch with me
My father Sid Ford used to take the Muirhead swimming club. He did it for years during the 1950's. My father was the Assistant Suprintendent of Beckenham Swimming Baths and worked there for forty six years until he retired in the 1970's.
My father was the Docter there in the 40s we lived in one of the farm cottages (Hollywood cottage ) I went to Denne road primary school, We moved on to mitford, then to kent
I was so excited to read the memories of Bob Day's shop. I spent many summers in Cossington. Bob Day was my uncle and I really enjoyed spending time with him in the shop especially being in charge of the penny tray! Unfortunately I don't have a photograph of the shop when it was a shop and would love it if anyone who has one would share it with me. It has been many years now since my Uncle Bob and ...see more
I was resident in Plymouth up until 1963 when I moved to Exeter. However, between 1959 and 1963 I was a Red Cross volunteer at the Plympton Ambulance Station and did duties at weekends. The old Devon County Ambulance service was provided by St John Ambulance and British Red Cross and the latter ran the Plympton station. The original station was in the stables of a large house next to where a modern station ...see more
Does anyone recall the pole squatter who spent nights/ days in a barrel perched high overlooking the Arbouritum. It was around 1955. How long and what was his name. Was it the same man that did the same outside the Spring Cottage in Shelfield??
The other barbers shop was harky.leathems,same as wee Paul,short back an side weather you wanted it or not.he always left you in chair jumped up on bench to nosey out into kingsway.
Hello everyone, My great grandma was a business women in the transport industry back in the 1940’s. Unusual for a lady to have such a position back then. Her family name was Reilly, she had about 6 children one being a girl. Most of the boys worked in the brickworks before moving to transport the bricks around the place. My grandad was Matthew Reilly, one of his brothers was Tommy who would be about 70 now ...see more
Hi, I'm Les Bouchier I was born at 83 Durham Road Tottenham now called (Kitchener Rd) I was the last of the family, 4 girls and 2 boys born to Minnie and James Bouchier. In the early 1950s our family moved to Dawlish road due to overcrowding in our previous house! I went to Down lane infants school and attended the same junior school followed by Parkhurst secondary modern school. Then after various jobs worked ...see more
I have just been going through some old photos of my dads. He grew up in Ambleside in the 1930’s and 1940’s. His dad was the local bank manager I believe. He lived in a house called Merewood Cottage. I was wondering if anyone knew where this is. He also mentions a house called Bank House. Any information anyone could share would be very welcome.
My parents ran the wine merchants Castle & Co ( became Victoria Wine) and I was married in August 1969 at St Peters Church. We lived just down from the Court House and I had my wedding reception there. Walked along the cobbled lantern to my wedding!!!! Was Valerie Whittle and now Val Spencer-Watkins and live in Australia now since 1981
My earliest memories are of Aldringham. I was born in the Police Station on Mill Hill in 1937, the youngest of three children. My father was the local policeman, P.C. James McGuire. I often wonder now how my mother managed, with three children under five. There was no water electricity, gas or sewage. Water had to be carried from a well 100 yards down the road. When my father had the audacity to request that water ...see more
W e kids called it 'The Double Mountains' I lived there during the war and in winter we sledged down it dangerously and in summer in cardboard boxes which lasted about two goes. One of the boys broke his arm and lost a tooth there.
I was born in and lived in Beaufoy Rd from 1950 to 1966. Great memories of loads of mates, Runouts, Cowboys and Indians, football and cricket in the road as well as bonfires in the road on bonfire night. Remember the fire brigade having to put them out later on. Off Licence and phonebox at the bottom of street and chipshop at the top (Wiggy??) It seemed like a mile long. The courts the 137,45, 77, 77a and b. Walks to ...see more
I was a pupil at this convent between 1961 and 67 and i remmeber getting beaten by sister ann on several occassions i think this must off been because my parents wher off cypriot origin and i had a greek surname if anyone whent to this convent during those years it would be nice to hear from you
When I was a little girl growing up in Norwood Green in the '60s, I can remember being sent over to the shops to fetch our daily bread order, a loaf of Mother's Pride in a red & white striped waxed wrapper. The parade of six shops provided almost everything we needed, except clothes, we had to walk into Hounslow for those. There was a newspaper (or sweet) shop, a butcher, a chemist, a grocery, a hardware ...see more
Anyone remember a private school in Rayleigh High Street run by Miss Abbott. I was there from 1953
My grandparents lived at number 6 Delagoa Road, Fazakerley; my earliest memory was of horses in the field at the end of their garden and later of my dad parking in the field when we arrived early in the morning before anyone rose to pick mum up after an illness. Does anyone know what the field was as it wasn't a park - maybe a small holding or something? Would really like to fill in the details of those happy times.I Marion
I lived on Marks Gate from 1954-1972 when I got married. We lived in a two bedroomed flat in Arneways Avenue. I went to the Oaks school in Collier Row, John Preston school on Marks Gate and The Warren school, Chadwell Heath. I was a choir boy at St Mark's church, Marks Gate from 1959-1963. When we moved th Marks Gate there were no proper roads, no shops. A Mr Secker had a converted coach in which he sold ...see more
In the extreme mid right of the photo one can see the gates to the firm where I did my apprenticeship almost 60 years ago. I wish I had some photos of the firm itself. Brings back many happy memories.
I spent many happy hours riding my bike from 10 Whinfell Terrace past Ramond Clarks house on the left along to spend many hours with Brian Guy on their farm and surrounding countryside.
I seem to remember having piano lessons in the first house here. Must have been early/mid 1960s
Any relatives of the Sowerby who lived atFylands Bridge late 1800s onwards. My grandfather was Joseph Sowerby. Youngest of nine born to Eliza and John in 1890 also their daughter Hannah who lived there married to William Williams The sons were all miners. Not sure of all were at Tindale colliery
The Mystery Bridge across the Mill Brook in Baguley. I was born in September 1946 and lived in Overdale Road Benchill before moving to Fouracers Road in Baguley about 1951. The Lanes, Farms and Fields of this time had only recently disappeared from this Cheshire landscape and surrendered to the spreading Wythenshawe Estate. Fouracres Road was on the edge of this invasion ...see more
Still live here, travelling all over the world for the last 40 years and realise there are many worse places to live !!
Looking at this picture of the Gaumont reminded me of a teenage girlfriend who I took there several times in 1959, she lived close by, anyone remember Gloria Wilson? Peter Armstrong
Hi Deborah,l read your memory of Northolt.Good to know you met your hubby in a club in Halsbury Road.My name is Gary Mills and was born in 54,Halsbury Road West.Aged four we moved onto the race course,Redcar Close then to Epsom Close.My wife and l attended Vincent Sec.Modern school.The estate was a wonderful safe environment in which to grow up.You mentioned the parade of shops at Haydock ...see more
Does anyone remember Joe's Cafe in Hainault Road Leyton. It was under the railway bridge, opposite the laundry. This was owned by my grandmother, and passed onto my dad. I used to work there Saturday mornings.Dad ran this with my Mum for all of their working lives, and did a great trade with all of the local workmen, especially breakfast. Dad would not allow any swearing with Mum being there, and I remember him tearing customers off a strip if they broke his rule!
This photo is taken off a knowle in Knapp Hill Lane, above the Factories, of Critchlies, (now demolished0, who made hair grips and knitting needles in the 1960s and Olympic Varnish, who in made working canal boats in 1890. Knapp Lane exits into Toadsmoor Lane and past a factory once known as “Shiltons”, now closed, (who were wool staplers and working in 1890). This area was known as the Knapp Lane ...see more
This photo is taken 100 yards up Brimscombe lane, looking back across the Golden Valley. The lane itself leads back up to Thrupp Lane & Dark lane, which is on its way to Quarhouse and the Lypiatt Manor, (the "Haunted House" and home of the Duke & Duchess of Kent). The photo looks towards the face of Brimscombe Hill, (and although its out of shot), the 120 degree Corner, is hidden by ...see more
Is Dunks pond still there. When I worked at LDN it was noted for its carp. On recommendation, by the Arthur brothers, Mike and Chic, I tried it a couple of times without sucess but it was a nice spot to spend a few hours. But that was the 50's.
My parents and I lived in Addlestone, and when I was about 5 or 6 I had to have my tonsils and adanoids removed at the cottage hospital and not St Peter's. There was only 2 of us in the ward a boy about my age and myself, there was always a jugs of orange and lemon squash on the table but we only drank the orange.
If this is Throwley Way parallel to Sutton Hugh Street, then the now defunct Sutton High School for Boys used these erstwhile Baths for swimming lessons and competitions, right up to the school's controversial closure in 1962.
Swells Hill is mentioned in the doomsday book where very little else in this photo is. the row of a few houses in the foreground are the top part of Swells Hill, perched on the "Knoll" Looking east up the Golden Valley to the other knoll of Walls Quarry, perched half way up Brimscombe Hill. Much as it has been since 1901. The prominence of Walls Quarry and the steep encourages the siting ...see more
I was born in Argoed Blackwood in a condemned house by candlelight in 1950 We moved to 26 Underwood road Oakdale when I was still quite young. I can still remember so much from all those years ago. The Bic. Browns, Parry, Yem Woods and other families We would play on the green and climb the oak trees. Collect old bread and take to the farm at the bottom of the road and get one penny. Steal pears from the ...see more
I have very good memories of EHTC Art Department. I did a 3 year graphic design diploma course there from 1966 to 1969. I was only 16 at the time and everything was new to me.It changed my way of thinking. The lecturers were very good as were the other students many whose names I still remember. At the of end of the 3 years age19 I qualified as general illustrator. Colin
My Parents Iris & George Messenger owened this store back in the early 60’s before we emigrated to Australia.
This is a very rare photo which is taken from a grass slope below a small coppice in a valley known as the "Moors" from the bottom of what is now called Orchard Lane. This unusual photo looks up the lane, (from its nearest lowest point), SE towards the Brimscombe Hill & Walls Quarry. The lowest point is actually underneath the railway bridge, just emerging as a stone wall, (bottom ...see more
My parents owned this shop in the mid 60's, I have good memories of living there. A great place to grow up, summer holidays out on the sea and exploring the countryside around Porlock Weir.
Tank tops and bell bottoms-memoirs of a Birkenhead lad I was born in Birkenhead in 1954 at the back of Central Station, opposite the Haymarket, and still remember being hungry all the time. We were poor, as was everyone we knew. A Catholic family, no birth control, the more kids you had the more Catholics there were, the more donations the church receives. Rather cynical I know. And I remember Father ...see more
While we have been in lockdown I have been looking at battersea as I remember growing up there it was a great place to live until it got redeveloped. And I remember the jolly gardeners. I think my dad drunk in every pub along york road.
I was born in the village in 1949, in an end terrace No.1 Woodview. It was down a small road in the centre of the village and at the top, I believe at one time there was a timber yard/sawmill. The cottages at the top of the ‘yard’ were called Sawmill Cottages and my grandmother Annie Blundell lived at No.1 having moved in the early 50’s from a cottage at Ward End Farm, Low ...see more
The Bartholomew family was the last family to live in Duntarvie Castle before it became uninhabitable, but, as my cousin, Richard Widdowson, has made some mistakes in relation to dates, I offer the following based on considerable research. The Bartholomew family had farmed the land known as Greendykes on the Hopetoun Estate since 1623 or thereabouts. This ...see more
I was born in Corringham in 1950 and in 1953 moved to Corringham Road, Stanford-le-Hope where my parents had bought a plot of land and had built a shop that they called Stanford Supply Company opposite the Regent Cinema. We lived in the flat above, and as time went by, the business flourished and my parents, Peggy and Percy Lawes extended the shop and the range of things they sold from nails and paraffin ...see more
Moved usk rd 1960 left 1970 71 memorys friends people who lived in area great child hood freedom great schools kenningtons inf and jrs mrs docking,, headmasters mr and mrs winofred ,, green open spaces people talked people cared cows getting in gardens men mending cars on sundays if you need it ask so so they will have it and help bessleys van fish n chip van shops we said where on the other ...see more
I used to walk past the prefabs twice a day. I lived in Cattistock Rd and, after finishing at Castlecombe at the age of eleven, went to Edgebury, so I would cross Elmstead Lane and walk up Walden Ave and back in the afternoon. My parents had moved out from Bermondsey after the war, initially to Framlingham Cresent and later to Cattistock. My grandparents likewise lived in Charminster Rd. I remember my Mum saying that she ...see more
My parents, meet in the Crown & Anchor in 1967 when Dad, Ted de la Riviere and his best mate Paul Hadley used to sail Fireball dinghys in Chichester Harbour from Dell Quay. They would drink and eat at the Inn afterwards where my Mum Sally (nee Hargreaves), and her sister Lyn used to live in and cook and serve drinks. By their own admission, Dad and Paul were the joke of the sailing club ...see more
I was at Fairfield House Broadstairs boarding school early 60’s. I remember Mrs Ansell. Lovely lady. Mary Kennedy, Wendy Giles, Diane, Jasmine Raybold. We had a visit from Lady Mountbatten. I stayed up late in the conservatory to finish a petticoat I was sewing. We had to have sewing to show. I ran away a few times to see the horses in the passageway on the way to church. I remember the route ...see more
My grandparents (McNaught) lived in Henrietta Street, and my parents & I stayed with them for many holidays in the 60s and 70s. An uncle & aunt lived in George Street - they were retired teachers from Barrhill school. Another aunt & uncle lived in Victory Park - the uncle owned an amusement arcade in Dalrymple Street (wonderful memories of spending too much time in there !!). Next door was the Milroy family, and ...see more
Our first house we lived in after moving from Kettering to Wales back in the 90's. Apparently it was the overseers house from the building of the dam at Lake Vyrnwy, being a timber framed sectional building it was transported after completion of the dam to Penybontfawr. It was bought by a local builder, and dismantling took place, a spark from a chainsaw caused it to burn to the ground. Two new modern houses now sit on the grounds, one still bearing the name Bron-Y-De.
When I was a boy in the 1950 to 1970 period my Mother was employed as the cook/manager of the what I assume was the original substantial brick built Cafe/Restaurant. It was rented out to a Mrs Esme Elley whose family owned and ran Primrose Valley Garage and Coach company.Mrs Nan Coates ( Esme's mother was my God Mother) and that was the connection to my mother Mrs Doreen Dickinson.I remember spending a lot ...see more
My main memory was Mr Saxtey smelling of Old Spice in the morning Neil Fegan
For a small rural community Cold Ash was a busy village in the 1950s. Collins’ Farm, three shops, four pubs, a coal merchant, and two garages all provided local employment. In addition the Convent with its farm and gardens employed farm and other maintenance staff although the bulk of the work there was carried out by the nuns. The old Girls’ Home, Hill House, recently closed, now a nursery, ...see more
I remember going to the one in the centre with Mum and some strawberries we'd picked for an old lady who lived there. Lime kilns to the left and entrance to the park to the right. xx
I lived in Worcester Park for the first 4 years of my life, and continued to visit for another 12 years after that... and when staying with my grandmother would be sent up the street to get the daily shopping which would usually include Morleys bakery for a ''small danish'' or at the weekend a ''large bloomer'' which was then wrapped in tissue paper, just as they still do at the bakeries in Greece! 4 years ago I was ...see more
Very happy memories of playing here as a child. Used to play Pooh sticks when crossing the bridge over the beck just before the playground! Went back to the park three years ago and wish I hadn't as it is completely changed, like being somewhere else. This photo brought back all the memories flooding back. I looked up your company name after finding your postcard "Approaching Earby" in an old case of photos that belonged to my grandmother - wonderful to find all the old shots, thank you :)
Although a great surprise to get there, I enjoyed the whole experience from Year I to the Upper Sixth. It was a great school with amazing teachers! Such a shame it's now under- performing !! Hope someone who remembers me sees this and gets in touch! Love to hear from you!! Judith? Norma ? Fred ? Ced? Mick? Lisa? Geoff Clarke
Getting in to Swanwick Hall Grammar School from Kilburn Junior School was an incredible surprise for me but I did OK all thanks to the amazing teachers there at the time and it set the scene for the rest of my life. It got me into the third best Uni for law ( Nottingham) and gave me a confidence in my own ability which has lasted a lifetime. Thank you in particular to Mick Clarke , Dick Moon and the Head Mr ...see more
My great grandparents lived at 17 and 27 Lansdowne Rd respectively and I was wondering if there are any old photos of Lansdowne Road. Their names were Paul Mc Greal and Catherine(nee Schofield) Mc Greal they were born 1840's. Is this a common name in Chadderton today?
Hi my name is Terence Stone (Vic) as I was more commonly known and I grew up in a wooden hut in Battery park hut number 2 and have many very fond memories of my childhood but sadly I cant find any trace or photos from there the Woods lived in the hut next to ours and the Godfries we lived in one hut and had to go out and round to the other hut to go to bed our toilet was in a anderson shelter behind the ...see more
I'm writing about my father, Raymond Cooper , or Raymond Graves Cooper, who was a sales rep for May and Baker, first in the north of England in the 50's and then later in the south of England from 1958. He dealt in pharmaceutacals and also oils for perfumes. I remember he used to have small phials of essential oils in the boot of the car, he wanted me to become a Perfumier when I grew up. His boss ...see more
Hi My mum lived at no 19 Derlyn Road. Her family lived there since the house was built. George, dad Ada, mother, three boy Derek, Des and Brian also three girls, Vera,Edna ( my mum ) and Rita. They owned the house until my grandma Ada died at the age of 99. She lived next door to her sister Queenie.
When I was about 5 or so, I ended up here by ambulance suffering from double pneumonia. I gave my watch to the boy in the bed next to mine because I thought he was in a worse shape than me! Nice to see the fresh air doors in the end patio section again after all these years.
I attended Bishop Wordsworth's School between 1964 and 1967 arriving when I was 14. I had previously gone to a very prestigious grammar school in north London which in fact was awful. Discipline was non-existent, bullying rife and the standard of teaching, with few exceptions, abysmal. BWS was much, much better. The headmaster at Bishop's was Mr Blackledge, a man not to be messed with. He ...see more
It may look drab on this photo but: I grew up here in the 1960's and this photo brings back many fond memories. The bus stop is where I used to wait for the Brown's Blue to Ashby Grammar just outside of Reenes ? clothes shop. The car opposite is a two-tone cream and blue Riley ? which was thought of at the time as rather posh. It was owned by the father of Russ Hickling ? who I was told was a draughtsman ? and ...see more
I remember Elite fish and chip shop. Went to Colmers Farm 1957-1967 Fine Fare was opened by the Dagenham Girl Pipers. Avery’s was the shoe shop. Hadley’s we went for bags. Delaney’s toy shop. Dowlings for veg and straw for the chickens. And the little corner shop on Eachgreen Lane run by two dear little sisters, had a Barbers Tea motif paired high up on the wall. The cliffs we climbed down when our mom sent us to the ...see more
When we were young we used to picnic in the grounds of Hamsterly Hall it was private but our family always had permission as my Grandmother Ann Burns was on the staff when Lord Gort lived there. Lord Gort and Lady Surtees would pick my Aunty Molly up who was a Nun from Rose cottage the Burns family home just up the hill from Hamsterly Hall where the humped back bridge used to be in a horse and ...see more
My mother’s cousin, Gordon Ross, was the head gardener at Howden Dene in the ‘30s and ‘40’s, when the property was owned by the Straker-Smith family. I was born in 1934. During WW2 when sea-side holidays were difficult, my mother and I would often go to Howden Dene to visit. The Rosses had two children, slightly younger than me, and we would often be joined by my aunt and my two boy cousins from Scotland: quite ...see more
Such a lovely Village back in them ol' days !! I was born in Careys Wood in 61. Lavish memories of playing in Moodys Farm field (stories of Elephants being buried there ??) Wonderful Mr. Sheppard in his shop dishing out 6p worth of Cola Cubes !! Floods in the mid 60s and wading through water knee deep (to a kid !!) Father Christmas on the back of a pickup through the Winter streets. Snow at Xmas ...see more
I was the first stooge to work at Holmwood (for one year in 1975). I was 18 and come over from Australia for a gap year between secondary school and law school. My nickname, or at least one of them, was Mr Tuckeroo. I lived in the bachelor masters’ residence, Netherby House. It was a magnificent year and made some life long friends. It is a shame that the school is no longer ...see more
There tea room had a slot charity animal in the door way outside, our grandmother used to give us small change to post in it. The coins made a satisfactory clunk as they reached the bottom, or so it seemed when I was young. For special treat inside Nan would order a cake stand with a selection of cakes, sandwiches and flapjacks ( my absolute favourite, being chewy and hard) One was only sposed to eat what one ...see more
HI, I lived at 14 Aspel Street, Newton Heath, Manchester 10, and I went to Hague Street primary school from 1956 to 1965, then on to Saint Mary's secondary school. We were very poor and unfortunately, due to ill health I was constantly sent to different clinical homes including the magnificent Great Morton Hall in Cheshire to recuperate, so I can hardly remember anyone from that time apart ...see more
My Dad worked for the Chatham observer, whose office was nearby...and I would go into town with him and mum...park in the old Empire car park and walk into town....but he always went into the folks in that picture look very familiar....could be my mum, me in middle and my Dad...can't be sure....but looks like him and me!!
My name is Jean WHILEY, previously Clark, I lived in Cherwell Grove on the Belhus Estate with my 2 brothers, Jim and Dave and my Mum and Dad. I went to the Huts school for a short time before going to Somers Heath and then onto Culverhouse Girls from 1962 to 1966. I have such happy memories of growing up in South Ockendon, couldn’t of had a better childhood anywhere. I married Ken WHILEY back in 1969, anyone remember any of us.
I was born in Temple Fortune in 1972 and moved to Golders Green in 1973. I remember shopping in Woolworths which was next door to the library, it was a huge branch and sold plants and seeds at the back. There was a pet shop at the end of the alley way near Woolworths where my sister and I used to buy pet tortoises! Then there was MacFisheries a bit further along. I loved the smell coming from the coffee ...see more
My great grandfather owned the Victoria stores and my only memory is going to see his grave as a small child. Sadly I couldn't tell which church it was. His Name was George Shrewsbury Reeve.
Dear Butty Many memories of Egerton. Happy Easter. Long live Egerton !, Lots of love Mum xxx
The back entrance seemed to be used by most pupils and linked in to malvern park and then solihull high street. The school grounds were extensive and new buildings were added for sports and dining. The outdoor lido next to the school was used for swimming lessons .... Lorraine Sinclair-Evans