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5,134 memories found. Showing results 1 to 10.

The 50s At School

I remember starting school at the 'old' school and then after 3 years moving to the new school - it seemed huge and daunting and many of us got lost in the first few weeks. Pyrford was great to grow up in then - we had fields to roam ...Read more

A memory of Pyrford in 1959 by Ron Hardie

Talke A Forgotten Village

As you proceed north along the A34 towards the Cheshire border you will approach Talke traffic lights and on the left and right side of the road there are two areas of grassed land. This grassed area was once the village of ...Read more

A memory of Talke in 1959

Hot Summer Days

The group of three boys on their bicyles reminds me of hot summer days riding back from the Forest school to my home in Wokingham. We would often stop here - outside the hardware shop (Husseys?) and have a last chat before going our ...Read more

A memory of Wokingham in 1959 by John Buck

My Family In Woolston

My Grandparents lived in Oakbank Road, My Aunt lived in Laurel Road. I can remember going to work with my Nan in the evenings. She used to be a cleaner for Knaptons Bookies and Malizias Bookies (Bridge Road). My Aunt worked at ...Read more

A memory of Woolston in 1959 by Jan Wills

Receiving My Certificate

I attended a presentation at St George's Hall as a youngster, where I received a beautiful certificate in recognition of an essay I had written. I have no idea what I wrote about but since the RSPCA awarded the certificate, ...Read more

A memory of Liverpool in 1959 by Lynne Mc Carrick

Cream Teas At Landslip Cottage

My Greatgrandmother & Greatgrandfather lived at the Landslip Cottage for many years providing cream teas to visiting locals and tourists alike. My own mother married a Gapper born at the bungalow higher up the cliff. ...Read more

A memory of Rousdon in 1959 by Gwyn Gapper

Winter At The Hall

As a boy I remember the big open fireplace in the main hall, and the times the large glass sheet above the fireplace falling down - this was to be a yearly thing if I recall correctly. Other memories - making our own snow skis; ...Read more

A memory of Grassington in 1959 by Peter Fitzakerley


I was brought up in Claughton Village (Wirral) and in the holidays as children we regularly walked through Bidston Hill to Thermopylae Pass.  We would spend all day on the Hill and at Thermopylae and walk home at the end of the day exhausted ...Read more

A memory of Upton in 1959 by Joan Grey

Autumn Walk

I moved into West Park Road ( seen in the photo off to the left ) in 1955 at the age of 7. The house was a glorious Victorian residence with 1881 as the year of build noted on the front. Childhood was bliss here, particularly living in ...Read more

A memory of Mottingham in 1959 by Michael Parmley

Happy Memories

So many truly happy times were spent around the Salmon Pool when we were children. Our grandmother owned a local pub so this was where we would, much to our parents horror, swim in the tidal river! Probably the fishermen didn't think much of it either!

A memory of Totton in 1959 by Sue Welton

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