Share Your Memories

Reconnecting with our shared local history.

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

Why not add your memory today and become part of our Memories Community to help others in the future delve back into their past.

A couple at a laptop

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Tips & Ideas

Not sure what to write? It's easy - just think of a place that brings back a memory for you and write about:

  • How the location features in your personal history?
  • The memories this place inspires for you?
  • Stories about the community, its history and people?
  • People who were particularly kind or influenced your time in the community.
  • Has it changed over the years?
  • How does it feel, seeing these places again, as they used to look?

This week's Places

Here are some of the places people are talking about in our Share Your Memories community this week:

...and hundreds more!

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Here are a few of our favourites

Visitors to this website have so far contributed 85,588 memories inspired by the Frith photographs. Join in, and take a moment to remember the places that have been important in your life. Where your family comes from, where you were born, went to school and got married; the towns and villages where you've lived and worked since. Recapture and rekindle those precious memories with this special part of our website.

Displaying all 8 Memories

This once sleepy hamlet was first home to me, a better place for childhood there could not be. Little Drayton church and it`s `olde` Sunday school. fishing excursions with Uncle to Buntingsdale pool, Dalelands West; lucky dipbags, Reardon`s supplies, Monday morning washdays, roller skates, blue skies. With my `Dan Dare interplanetary telecommunications set, boyhood dreams of space missions were ...see more
This goes back a long way, I think around 1950. I was a pupil at King's School in Rochester and used to live just off Brompton Farm Road. My parents used to allow me to sleep in the garden (an adventure ?), I digress, I used to go around on my bike, and one day cycling down Crutches Lane, I noticed some tents being erected in the fields of Gads Hill School. They were all girls trying to put the tents ...see more
I think it must have been 1952 or 3 when I went to live on Kingwood Common with my parents in the old nissen huts left by the German POWs, and afterwards by Polish refugees. We knew the place as Kingdom Camp, or just 'The Camp'. There were a good few families living there that I remember and they formed a friendly community of people that were waiting for council houses in some of the nearby villages. My ...see more
I worked at Wannock Tea Gardens during the school holidays. I remember all the slices of Bread we had to butter and I still make sure that it reaches out to each corner. We really had to work hard carrying heavy crockery to the many out-building where the parties were fed. I remember that all the workers would sit down after the gardens closed and clear up the food - and how much us youngest looked forward to a ...see more
I was 17 years old and lived at no 7 Tivoli Road, and when Father Christmas arrived at the front door with 4 cwt of coal my mum put newspaper down the hall and throughout the house so that the coal man could dump the coal in the shed. So Christmas Day we all sat around the fire to keep warm - and cold at our backs. We cooked chestnuts on a shovel and played cards, and my dad played the piano and we all sang carols. No ...see more
I loved to play on the swings, roundabouts and giant slide at Eastleigh recreation ground. The long polished brass slide was fun to try to walk up, slide down roll things down or pee down. I overheard a friend of mums who was expecting a baby – she said “It is wonderful now they can tell if you are pregnant by just peeing on a slide”. This amazed me that our humble recreation ground had such a magical slide! (This is a true tale!)
I am Jeannette McNicol (nee Elliott). My brother John and I moved there with my parents ,when I was 13 years old and he was 12. I had found the house when we were having a picnic by the Webbern with friends. I had gone skipping off down the lane, and seen the house around the corner, and run back to my parents saying "Mum! Dad ! There's a fairy house around the ...see more
When I saw this photo, and read the memory by Jill Graham, I have to admit that tears filled my eyes. I stayed at Ashleigh with my parents and sister in the 60s. It was the first time that my parents had ever booked a holiday - before that they usually just set off in the car to an area and looked for places to stay. I was 12 when we first went there, and I can honestly say that my memories of that stay are ...see more