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This week's Places

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Displaying Memories 2721 - 2800 of 36585 in total

As a five year old, and for the next six years, I walked up Blackwell Hollow to go to Chequer Mead school. Sometimes, I was accompanied, but quite often, I went on my own. I lived near Queen Victoria Hospital, so it was quite a walk for a little one. Unbelievable today, but of course, the roads were less busy, and life was much slower.
When I was 14 in the late 50’s, I got a job at Ye Olde Welcome tea chop. Washing up and polishing the many horse brasses! With my one pound wages, I saved up for two weeks and bought at top at Kerry’s shop in London road. Happy memories.
I worked here for a number of years. Had many happy times late 60s early 70s
We were the Brooker family and lived in Anton rd from the early 50s . our next door neighbours were the Harringtons. Myself and 2 of my sisters went to Lennards. I was there from 1960 until 1966. I married in 1969 and became a Savage. I have happy childhood memories of living in ockendon on the "estate" not the "village". I now live in Dorset. Hello to anybody who knows me Sue savage nee brooker
I lived in the house that was used as an orphanage for girls late 1890's to 1906. I have recently found out that it was called Laleham Cottage. It was situated on the corner of Rossiter Road and Ethelbert Street and the ground next to it was given over to prefabs, which extended right though to Fernlea Road. I too attending Cavendish Road School, but cannot recall the swimming pool being build. What ...see more
My wife & I stayed at the Harbour Lights Hotel in May 1969 for 4 days aged 22 & 24 - we have just Celerbrated our Golden Weddng Anniversary, and as we spend the winter months in Spain we stayed at a Hotel in Cadiz to celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary - we have three children, five grandchildren & one great grandchild. Stuart & Margaret
Does anybody remember the name of a pub that was in Victoria Road South? It was on the left hand side around 75 yards from Duke Street on the way to where the police station can now be found. It formed part of the island of buildings that stood between VRS and the Railway Station service road but must have been demolished in the early 1970s to make way for the present office block. Does anybody have any memories of the place?
I also remember going to The Upper Deck swimming pool , I did not live in Hampton but my grandparents did, remember staying most of the day there having fun with friends I lived in Walton , I'm also 72 .
Over the years the layout of Greyfriars Green has changed enormously by and in 1950's, it was vastly different to this early picture. In the 50's as a child Father took our family to visit the green using it as a vantage point to watch the, then, Annual Coventry Carnival as it passed down from assembling in the Memorial l Park and between the green and the buildings facing us on The Quadrant side.
I fell from the campsite at saltwick bay onto the rocks and survived. It was in about 1961 whitsun holiday. We were staying there from Middlesbrough. Does anyone have any recollection of this and any reports? I have been back and it still looks the same.
I lived at 8 Avondale Road from 1953 until 1959 and like many others spent loads of happy summer days with my friends at the Finchley Pool. During the winter we would go nearly every night to the indoor pool in Squiers Lane. I attended Mannoreside School, also in Squiers Lane and was in the primary school football team that won the local cup in 1954, we beat Summerside School for the Trophy. Others in the ...see more
I have many memories of visiting Stokenchurch, it was where my gran and Gramp lived. George and Lottie west of jubilee road. So Saturdays were spent visiting family, uncle riddles (Len West), uncle Stan And auntie Wendy West then it would be onto jubilee road . After that it would be around to auntie Ethel and uncle Eric Cufflin. Then we would finish at aunty Doll and uncle Arthur Saint . Many of their family still live in the area. My mum was Gladys
Does anyone know what became of The Smiths who ran the Lasswade Post Office and their son Rodger?
I would love to hear from any body who worked at Electroheating Lombard Estate 1979 to1984.
Hello Audrey, I grew up in Starfield Street which was next to Berwick. We lived there from 1951 till ‘66 when I left home for university. I had 2 sisters, Diane and Christine. We all went to Butler Street school and went swimming in Boaler Street baths. Our family name was Houlton though my mum’s family had lived there previously. They were Pemberton. We used to play with Berwick Street children who ...see more
Born 1944 I grew up in a house on the Great West Road, between Springwell Lane and the Broadwalk. My first great adventure: a tricycle with which I nearly broke the legs of several pedestrians. Springwell infants' school on what had been Blackberry Farm and became a building site for much needed housing. Headmistress Miss Parnell (or was it Burnell? I never did know) - who gave us such a good start with her modern approach ...see more
I have no memories of Blackwood as such. My interest started when I retired and took on my Genealogy! Anyway, I knew about Ossie Brown and the family butcher's shop in High St but especially his father, Arthur J Brown, my grandfather's brother. They were born and brought up in Llantwit Fardre, near Pontypridd, where their parents Edwin/Edward Brown (born 1865 Red Lion Tce, Bedwellty) and wife were the ...see more
Drove thru Methilhill last week, first time again in many years. Not much changed, just good memories again of the school years, Methilhill and Braehead, would love to hear from anyone who knows me. Meet up for a chat etc. I know some of my friends have past on, which is very very sad when I heard one or two names. Anyway, would be great to hear from you, and have a wee chinwag. Take care. Russ Keiller. Ex Donaldson Rd.
I am now 87 years old. I lived in Wellingborough from 1936 until 1950 and spent many happy hours at Wilby Lido. There were fields where there are now houses and we would walk the fields and take a picnic, most week-ends. Memories of happy days spent there so long go.
It was January 1957, I just turned 10 and was sent to Taxel Edge, I remember Me and Mrs Wilson, there were children from Dr Banardos who only seem to stay about 2weeks, I was there for 3months, I have tried to get confirmation that I was there but to no avail, I am 72 now, any way I can get proof I was there,
As a six year old in 1949 I was taken to Pembroke Dock to visit my Grandparents, from whom we were almost estranged. My only memory of the visit is looking out of the upstairs window above their butcher’s shop and being aware of the window being a ‘floating’ bay window. I have this week, in 2019, revisited Pembroke Dock to try and identify the shop and realise that these strange upstair ...see more
Hi my name is valerie jones I was born 25 Beatrice street 1949 Looking for any group photos of the kids that went to the infants school. I had three brothers Denzil, Alan, and Clayton born 1959. Two Sisters Audrey and Pauline Father was Elvet mother Claudia grandparents Eli and Sarah Speck. Friends Loretta Newman Mairwen Rumph neighbour Melvin Walters Regards Valerie Jones
Spent a lot of my teen age life in the parakeet when Doug and Pam barker owned it. I have very fond memories of my time there. There are so many. I am Dave Kaye known as Danny then. The loss of Doug at the age of about 42 I believe, was very sad. All night bowling on Saturday nights over at Whitstable, after they closed the Parakeet, was a particular highlight.
Hello my name Lisa Hall, im looking for anyone who would of known my grandparents, dad & uncle, my dad's name is Mick Richardson mum was Ann, dad Albert & brother Paul Richardson. My dad was born there in 1948 ? would love to hear from anyone who remembers them ? thank you X
Im an American USAF retired TSgt thatwas stationed at the Hosp in 1954/5 and I married a girl from Swindon in 1957 Sadie Waters that lived a7 47 Havelock Street. We were vmarried at St Pauls Church in Swindon, We now live in Oshkosh, Wisconsin USA and have been married 62 years. Would love to hear from anyone from the era of 1954-57
I lived in and around the Romford area from 1957 until 1979 - I have never been back. I went to school first at St Edwards (the confessor) near the market square, we were taught by nuns and some were tyrants! Sister Aloysius, tall and willowy, gentle and kind visited each classroom with her huge rosary beads swinging amongst her voluminous black habit. I can still remember and smell Benediction - it was a small school that ...see more
I'm Alison, I remember alot of kids there , I used to share a room with the older Alison before she left. Does anyone remember Christina? A carer may be a nun lol Anee was by far my favourite very sadly missed. Anyone know Diana newton now Preston? married Michael Preston. Marina Baker? A boy Named Brett that went to the local school? Please contact me if you shared the same years or would like to chat about long house memories. Ali Clinton
While we are on about Delamere... when I was three I spent a week in a jewish mother and baby home in Lymm. Happy memories but the matron didn't know what to feed Jewish children so we got pickled herring!!
My mother was born in keepers cottage in Battle Wood, who grew up and later got married in Battle church. My grandfather, Leonard Glyde was a fireman during the second world war stationed at Battle fire station. I was born in London but spent all my holidays with my grandparents who lived in a tied cottage at Netherfield Place - my grandmother worked for Sir John and Lady Royden. It was a real ...see more
I remember Miss Fuller. Also Gloria Larkby. Who was really pretty. Linda Turnbull and Linda Byrne were classmates around 1962-4. Anne Brookes nee Brooker. Memories a bit scanty as I was undergoing hell, as usual, from my mother which tended to colour my life a bit.
I went to a dreadful boarding school in Sunninghill from 1958 until 1962 for visually impaired girls. A lot of cruelty went on there. It’s now The Royal Berkshire Hotel. We only went out for crocodile walks and church. The school closed in 1970 and the children were evacuated there from Brighton in 1942.
I had some good times here my name is roy Harrison
I lived in Foxbury Drive and I remember the wonderful freedom I had with my elder brother. Our garden backed onto the rec.and we spent all day either playing tennis 2/6d for the whole day or exploring the woods. My parents never had a second thought letting us be out all day as it seemed such a safe environment! I also remember the strong community spirit. May Queen where all the mums made the outfits and the dads working ...see more
My elderly mother recently passed away. On a return journey from Wales my partner and I called to the convent for a look around. As a child my mother was a resident of the orphanage between the ages of 5 and 16 between the 1930s and 1940s due to her parents dying. During my mother’s life she mentioned snippets about the convent including that she was given bread and dripping for breakfast and on ...see more
My memories of heyside are of my childhood at black shaw lane school the bomb holes on the field and the river Beal as we used to call them all my family lived in heyside and I remember the people being a close knit community I left primary in 1971 and ultimately left heyside but it will always hold a special place in my heart written by the then julie tarlington
Stationed at RAF Lakenheath in the mid 1960's, friends and I would drive out to Lynford Hall to have a pint in the pub there. You always felt like you were stepping back into the WW II era. The pub had a roaring fire in a huge fireplace. You could wander around because the place was largely deserted. In the cavernous cellar a ceiling was hung with some sort of blue gauze material, because it had ...see more
I recall visiting Woburn in the 1970s and towards the end of the public tour there was a series of box dioramas showing military'scenes. I think these were mostly Napoleonic. Does anyone know who modelled these, and does anyone know what happened to them? Regards Raymond
My Mum lived in South Norwood in the 1960’s with a family called Irwin/Unwin Who rented out rooms. Sorry I haven’t any other information, just a long shot but does anyone remember the family!! Thanks
I lived in Remer St from 1941 to 1966. I remember;- Bonars farm , Mosses farm, Barnetts farm all on Remer St. Groby Rd residents, Percy Barnett, Arthur and Lizzie Badrock. Powells farm. North St Chapel Beeches garage Elliots fish and chips , Greenway Dolly Bostocks shop Greenway Billy Stretch cobblers North St. He was deaf and dumb. Micklewrights farm Stoneley Rd. I was Susan Whittaker now Morton.
My earliest memory of Wotham was starling school T 5 years of age 1930,I lived in StMarys road at that time.Later I lived in loddgins with my father in oak cottage St Mary's road (my mother having died) I seem to remember the people who owned oak cottage Mr & Mrs Jones? Had quite a large family livingl locally a name that comes to mind is Evenden (but memory after about 85 years may be wrong)I should not expect ...see more
I attended St Peters from 1941 to 1951 and was school captain in my final year. The headmaster at the time was Mr.Braddock. Mrs Lewis took the top class. I also remember Mr Coulter { took sports} Mr . Clements { music } . On leaving primary to go up to " the big school " one pupil was awarded the "MANNERS CUP " for twelve months and I was presented with it , I still have a photo somewhere. I was helped to get a job on leaving and have very fond memories of my time there
We used to go to Suntrap to pick up my Aunty Molly, Molly Richards, who worked there. Aunty Molly was my favourite and I always thought Suntrap was a nice place because of this. I met a lady when I started a new job and she shattered my illusionsas she had been there when she was young and told me how horrid it was and now you have confirmed what she said. Sadly back in the 50's orphan children were not always ...see more
Oh the good old days. There was Barclays Bank in the corner and I remember my dad making an appointment to see the actual Bank Manager himself who had his office to the left at the back. I remember the Bakers next to Barclays Bank on Welling Corner (Broomfield’s). A cat had given birth to kittens in the back and as a little girl pre-school I believe, I was allowed to go into the back and see them. ...see more
My husband was born there in 1940 to Gwendoline amelia wyatt. . His father was in the army was reginald George hearsey-wyatt. Is a building.
I lived around the corner from the school at 94 Oakley Street. It was a halfway house for boys and girls between the age of 11 -15 who for whatever reasons were unable to live at home. The home was pleasant and so was the school. I attended Kingsley 1963/1964/1965 I remember the milk each morning and the dinner ticket one purchased for a nominal amount to have a good meal for the day. There was also a shop ...see more
This hospital played a big part in my childhood. My sister spent several weeks there after suffering a severe cut to her knee in the 1960s, her godmother worked there as a physiotherapist, and not long before it closed, my mum was there as a patient after breaking her hip in 1989. I went there for an X-ray and treatment after breaking my finger about 1964, and I also worked there while a student as a ...see more
Hi , I used to work at the Savernake Forest Hotel in 1970/71. I looked after the the hunt horses which were stabled at the back of the Hotel. I had a room nearest to the back door so I could easily get to work. 2 of the Horses I looked after belonged to Lord and Lady Savernake, 'Kismet and Cinderella' .I rode them everyday to keep them fit for the winter hunts. I also attended a Christmas party at ...see more
Does anyone remember Miss Steer with the Old English Sheepdogs?
As a child I used to give pony rides at weekends at the Chestnut Tree Cafe next to the pub. Does anyone remember this? Jenny
From Roger Peart. DD11 2NX In the summer of 1973/74 a section of Sappers from 45 Commando in Arbroath built a bridge in the area of the Oykel Bridge hotel.Has anybody any memories of this. And does the bridge still exist? There was a plaque placed on or by the bridge. I would be really interested to know if anybody knows of this,as i intend to visit the area later in the year. Thankyou in anticipation.
My father Pip Prior took over the London Inn in 1940 and we onlyleft in 1950 because my mum had breast cancer .During the war he also ran a factory making cycles for the war effort our next door neighbours were The Sellers Family originally from wales He was a shoe repairer .Negly Farson an Author American and lived in Putsborough was a customer one of dads friends was Bill Speare My ...see more
I am researching old Glapwell and saw Ian Mellows memory (posted 2009) of the meadow sledging in winter. I don't clearly recall the name, was it Parson's Field? But I do recall sledging there - closer to Bramley Vale than Glapwell perhaps. Nice to see. Wonder if anyone has photos of Glapwell Carnival in the 1950s? I would be interested. Thanks.
The Lintott sisters ran a ballroom dancing school on the Upper Addiscombe Road. I started at 14 in 1957. I think the Lintotts were Polish refugees.Who else had lessons?
When I was a child in the 1960's, my granddad would take my brother and myself to the old Fire Station. He had just retired after 30 years in the Fire Service. His name was Albert Newns. He had been Station Officer there then ADO at Firebrigade HQ at Fulwood. We used to have a look at the engines and were allowed in them. My other grandpa (William Shepherd) had retired from being the first ...see more
I was at Bexley tech 1963 - 1970... I remember all those names and Hall Place. Once got caught dancing in an out of bounds area in the dinner hour. I was in P1. Christine Campbell... I thought it was a good school apart from the Maths teaching. It gave me the opportunity to go to university which is what I wanted to do.
my mother is the young girl on the right, back towards the camera but looking back towards the camera. she remembers seeing the photographer on the day, and was delighted to see this photo in poster size in the local Morrisons until recentlly
I was born in red lion lane in a two up two down with loo down garden path only the row of poplar trees remain the railway went above and mount of rubble from the pit lay at bottom of our garden for years there was only 1house in red lion lane the rest was fields when aged 5we moved to silver birch road my grandparents lived at 80and117walsall road
My very earliest memory takes me back to the Second World War. My parents were renting a house in Wareham Road. Dad was working at the RN Cordite Factory at Holton Heath. It was dark, and he was due home at any time. There was an air raid on, and German bombers were attacking Holton Heath - or it may have been the decoy factory in Poole Harbour, I could not have been more than two or three (I'm ...see more
Ancestors are listed on RG12/1030 Page 2, of the 1891 census, but I can't find any trace of Felix Road West, apart from just Felix Road. The area immediately west of Felix Road is a cemetery which predates Felix Road. There is a very small area, a new area currently called Squirrel Mews at the junction of Felix Road and Ecclestone Road, but whether this was formerly Felix Road West I can ...see more
Hi, Syd Wisdom calling, Just been told a story by my dad (97 in August) about Tonford Manor. My Grandma Lol Wisdom, use to clean for the Rice family at Sandwich; my dad was about 4---5 years old. They asked my nan to go with them to Tonford as they were short of house staff. My Nan was reluctant to go, because of my dad. They said bring him along too. My dad has vague memories of a very large house ...see more
I lived in Shirley (Skelcher Rd) from about 1956 to 1959 and often played in Shirley Park. I remember one time on this roundabout I was set on by a group of older boys who spun me round at high speed. Luckily my grandad and our dog turned up to take me back home for tea and the yobs all ran off. I fell off those swings a good few times too! Happy days.
I don't have a memory but my father lived at the orchard Watergate lane Woolton. and spoke fondly of his memories there, with his uncle joe egan
Hi my name is peter jarman and lived in Northolt and went to Vincent secondary school anybody out there remember the era
If you look closely, just behind the R.A.C. sign, you can see a sign for The Green Room, which was a delightful little tea room run by two sisters I think. It was very elegant and seemed to belong to another time altogether. I have a very distant and cherished memory of having a morning coffee there with my mother around 1967 when I was six years old, but no one I have ever spoken to can remember the place. ...see more
This is not my memory but that of my sister in law's. Her paternal grandfather, Philip Alan Simpson, was the Head Brewer at Stair House for several years up to and including 1901.
I can remember visiting Harveys (?) to buy Corgi cars :-), I was born in the village in the 60's. Many thanks for sharing your pics.... Went to school with Anthony Coates and, as I recall, Guy ( cant recall his surname ) but he used to tell us that he had a secret underground depot full of GUY trucks lol.... totally believed him... Good times.
I can not remember exactly when i was there was 70,s or and 80,s i remember all the chorea we had to do i cant remember what house i was in i was there with my 2 sisters on 1 occasion my sister was ill in 1of the upstairs dorms we where going on 1 of the long long walks she was allowed somebody to stay with he but me or my other sister wasnt allowed I also remember easter we got the ...see more
I attended the preparatory school in the late fifties, early sixties, in its then lovely grounds as a boarder.
Philip cox living in Bristol still alive remember playing rugby and not loosing a game at school b Gordon’s I Gould j gutteridge and more
The photo of Droitwich Winter Gardens brings back memories of the time 1965 - 1970. Spent many weekends enjoying the music saw the Yarbirds group live. My Parents used to run a cafe in the High Street, but my friends and I used to gather in the Cosy Cafe many great times to remember.
I was born at Mayday in 1958, as were my 2 brothers. My mother trained there as a nurse. We spent early years in Beechwood Avenue and I attended WInterborn. The family migrated to Australia in 1965, currently I am writing a family history with over 100 years of associations to Thornton Heath. When I last visited, TH felt like a different country to the one I grew up in
This was my grandparent’s toy shop. I can remember hanging out of the window (the one with the curtain flapping) and watching the Sheerness Carnival floats pass by. It seems like another world now!
To everyone who spent some time at Farleycroft. I was there from approx 1948. I remember Mrs Gunn, I remember a nurse Lemon and a nurse Baldry. I met Nurse Baldry’s parents one day when they were visiting their daughter. It’s quite a long story but later it turned out that they fostered me out, I think I was about 4 or getting on 5. On one visit back to see Mrs Gunn she asked if I’d like a little dog, ...see more
I was at the school from 1971 till 76. The head master was Hugh Fletcher, and the school principal Jasper French. The school was a home from home. I was allowed to join the scouts and also a model railway club in Bexhill. The teachers that I remember are Mr Parks, Mr Winspear, Mr Betts and Mrs Day. Happy days!
My Great Aunt Alice Yates bought a house here at the end of the 1890s. It may have been newly built then. It is I believe still standing but whether it is still called Harts Hill House is another matter. It was named after her parent's house in Harts Hill, Brierley Hill, Staffordshire which certainly no longer exists. Her husband died 1897 and having two very young children to raise she became a landlady.
I’m Edward Jones served in Connaught catering corp in the kitchen from 58-60. Staff Hurley was in charge of the kitchen at this time, he was a very good man. We all used to go to the seven thorns pub. Would like to know if anyone remembers me that was serving at the same time. Would love to catch up.
I worked as a labourer at Gibbs Mew Brewery between November 1967 and April '68. It was a stop-gap job as I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life at the time. The work was boring and the days dragged but it was a job and I was grateful for it at the time. My particular job was in the warehouse where I stood at the end of a conveyor belt on the ground floor stacking cases of full beer bottles onto ...see more
I lived at Links Avenue, West Monkseaton between 1965 and 69. Went to Park Road Junior school next to what was then the cinema, and Spanish City. Ended up at Valley Gardens Secondary Modern. Names I remember from those days are, Donald Gibson, Colin Williamson (lives at Lytham St Annes now), David Addison, Clive Morton, Andrew Morton, Malcolm Telfer, Ian Thompson (fellow Sunderland supporter),Willie ...see more
Bought this image by Slough Library apparently its a Frith but why is the building next to Palmers printers got blank windows, there's no scaffolding so its not being built nor are there signs of a fire?
The pub to the right of this image is The Shoulder of Mutton and when this image was taken it was ran by my Great-grandfather Sidney Addison. Three years before this was taken my grandmother was born in the pub and would have been in the buiding the day this image was taken.