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Displaying Memories 4641 - 4720 of 36585 in total

Hi yes I remember the smell from the Trebour factory it smelt of lovely sweets, that was in the 1950s when I went to school at shafsbury.
There is a short video of the old school in Iron Mill Lane, Crayford entitled: St Paulinus School old building on Iron Mill Lane, Crayford.
My name was Ann Beese and I was born at 60. Bath Road, Quarry Bank. We moved to Montgomery crescent when I was young and then to 32, Bobs Coppice Walk. Myself and my two sisters ( Christine and Rosemary ) spent many happy days playing with our friends down the wood opposite our house. We spent hours playing in the park. There was a paddling pool in the park and a see saw, giant slide. There used to be a ...see more
I was a pupil at the school during WW2 We stayed at Lower Holt Farm with the Everett family. Our names were Ronald and Roy Spears. Anyone out there remember us ? Pupils at school I remember are as follows. Frank Herring,Ian English,Hazel English, Alan Crabb, Ivor Peach, Tony Stenhouse Reg Constable ,John Constable,Christine Porch. To name a few. Roy Spears
Not sure of the year it was in the 1970;s my dad told his fireman to jump, as there was to much weight on the back.Has it was going down to padiham power station. If the fireman was you ,or you know the fireman ,or anything about it would you please get in touch .Has I would like to know more about it and what year it was .my granddad ...see more
I was born, during the Battle of Britain, at 8, Roan Street. Our back yard bordered St Alfege's churchyard. The house is not there any more because it had to be pulled down after the war. We had several 'near-hits' and the building had become unsafe. These days, church railings stand where our house once stood. In Greenwich Park, just behind the Maritime Museum, allotments were created during WWll. ...see more
My wife's great great grandfather served on the Royal Adelaide
My name is Frank Raper I was born in 1936 lived on Ravenscliffe Estate until 1961.Childhood days were great we were surrounded by woods and fields at that time their were no other estates in that area.Even though war war was raging in the 40s we were unaware of it and apart from having to take our Gas Masks to school and the blasts of the siren from Moorside Mill (now the INDUSTRIAL MUSEUM) we carried on regardless. As ...see more
Met you Janice Morrison from Hatfeild Mead Morden Surrey during a trip to Zermatt Switzerland in summer 972. We stayed at the same Youth Hostel and talked a whole evening . If you see this drop me a line! Yours Anders
I moved into Rainham in the very early '60s in fact into Princes Park, then about 4 years later into Ingrebourne Rd then during the early '70s into Rothbury Avenue and later after I got married, into Avelon Rd during the mid '80s before leaving the area altogether. I remember the little shop called Jacksons on Southend Rd and Kildares down Wennington Rd and the cottages along Bridge Rd. My mum worked for a while ...see more
I have lovely memories of summers spent at my parents' rented house in Rhiwbina Square, a suburb of Cardiff between 1957 and circa 1961). Wonderful neighbours (I particularly recall the Shepherds who had a son about my age), piano lessons, roller skating, painting classes all on the Square. Picnics on the beach. Don't know if it's my imagination but I recall the houses around the Square as being mostly white. Happy childhood summers. Does anyone recall the place and the time?
I attended St Nicholas school (later Box Hill School) between approx 1957 and 1962. The school was co-educational and catered to children aged from about age 4 to 18. My brother was 4 and I was 7 when we started at the school. My father was at Edinburgh University medical school specialising in thoracic medicine and my mother studying medicine in london so we were sent off to boarding school. I remember ...see more
I have a memory from the late forties or early fifties of a De Havilland dragonfly aircraft giving joy rides from the field. do any of you old timers remember this ? . If so could you please enlighten me of the occasion , was it a fair or a village fete ?.I would be grateful of any info. Tony Ward.
In this parish in 1816 A farmer William Marsh married Eleanor nee Hunt, they had 1 child Eleanor Marsh. William must have died, as Widow Eleanor Marsh married Thomas Baker, they had children born in the area from 1820 to 1831. One of them, Susanna Baker married William banks of Nearby Guston in 1848. Her sister Sarah had married a William Wraight and by 1851 he was ...see more
A 1834 will of Yeoman John Greenfield or Grinfield, who died in 1834 at Horne in surrey mentions his grandson John, who in 1834 was under 21. Could this be John Greenfield of Hayes Kent's son John, who would have been about 20 and without a father. His daughter Sarah born c1795 is also mentioned in the Will, and had married a John Clements. Their son Benjamin Clements later ...see more
For about 2 years around 1815 John Greenfield aged about 16, before he was married was a hired hand for a farmer In Hayes called Tom or Thomas Smith. Later John Greenfield and his wife Sarah lived in Hayes, near West Wickham, in 1826 with their son John aged 4, after married at Croydon Surrey nearby. John died in 1828 aged about 30, so he would have been born about 1800. A 1834 will of a another ...see more
The image is from july 1948,not 1955. The ship in the photo is the SS CLAN FARQUHAR she arrived at Wards shipbreaking yard in july 1948.
50 years ago I got on a Don Everall Coach at 9pm at the Bull Stake Darlaston. We travelled through the night arriving around 8am on Bodmin moor where we changed coaches for the remainder of the journey to Telawne. I was 12 years old, the site had been open only a few years, this was our second holiday. These holidays sealed our love of Cornwall my brother and I have both purchased mobile homes ...see more
Does anyone remember this road?
Does anyone know of the family of Mary Walters, died late 1930s. Her children were: John Walters, Christmas Walters, Gwenllian (Gwendoline) Walters and Charlie Walters. Gwenllian was my grand-mother and she lived with my mother, Ivy in Dunraven Place (The Monkey), Mary also had 2 children from her second marriage to Francis Augustus; these were Augustus and Elwa.
I'm trying to find information about the Bernard Smith family who lived at Barrymore, Bow Lane in the late 1800s/early 1900s. My grandmother Alice Mary Odgers had a studio in their house where she painted for 10 years before she married in 1915. The 2 daughters of the family were her bridesmaids
My parents both taught at Witnesham school, a Mr. Eastleigh was the headmaster at the time. My father Idris Walters was the headmaster when he retired. My mother Edna nee Crooks became headmistress of Baylham school until she retired. I would like to know when Witnesham Area school began and if it is possible to find dates when they worked there to add to my family history. (I should have asked them when they were alive). Idwa l Walters
Hi I am Eileen Cooper and I worked in the Nurse Training School during the 1970's and 1980's I have many memories of students and pupil nurses going through training during the above times! It would be lovely to hear from anyone who trained during these times!!!
Hi all, my names Albert Griffiths and I've lived on John St Cullercoats for the last 7 years, and I'm wondering if anyone has any old photos of the school that used to be on John St, the reason I'm asking is because I believe there is still a bit of the school wall existing, and its in my back yard, so that is why I feel the urge to try and find out a bit more about it, Cheers All
I lived in high legh from 1965 -1974 on woodlands crescent,the first school i went to was on the army camp an old nissan hut then we moved to the village hall i remember the teacher was mrs caine and then moved to the school we know now the headmaster was mr roberts who sadly passed away and mr cragg took over there was a little shop on renshard lane mrs cooke we used to play on the army camp and there was ...see more
I worked at the Golden Sands Holiday Camp, 1961. Had the most fun. One evening, one of the workers had an invite to join a party at the Constitutional Holiday Camp. We ran across the cornfield behind our girls chalets -and back later that evening. The following day, we all were called in front of Manager, Mr. Petty, and an irate farmer. We could not deny going through the waist high corn - there was the pathway, to and from our chalet block. Ah but we had fun. Bonny Cother
I was born at number 17, there was a corner shop are used to go there with my pocket money sixpence and buy my sweeties. I want to Grafton junior school and I remember the teacher there was Mrs Knight. When I left there I went to Sherborn girls school in Holloway Are used to go to Saint Joseph's Church in Archway we called it 'holy Joes', on Saturday as there would be dances there that was when I was not much ...see more
My mothers parents lived at 3 Mill Lane Cottages, Mill Lane, Sindlesham. I would stay with them in my school holidays. My grandad, John Gibbs, worked as a cowman on the owners farm, I think he was called Mr Curl. Staying with them was sheer bliss! I can appreciate now though that their lives were hard - outside chemical toilet by the garden shed at the bottom of the back garden. Once grandad ...see more
I was born in Gosport in 1929, my father was a long serving seaman in the Royal Navy and so our family life was all things navy - so Stokes Bay was a big part of our lives. I had three elder sisters who were frequently given the job of taking me off down to the beach in my pram, those days of course I cannot remember but I was never allowed to forget about, it particularly the day they were frightened ...see more
I was born 5.10. 1939 in Craghead, above the shop of Robert Oswald, Master Butcher, my mother being Robert's sister Jane Agnes Oswald and my father Frederick Gustavus King from South London. I went to Craghead primary school (I seem to remember it being on a hill top). My mother and father met in London, when she was a nurse there and we all came up to Craghead at the outbreak of the war. My father joined the ...see more
Danbury's butchers, any relation to Billy/Tony? Remember going to Empire Ave. Enfield
no memory born 28. 01.44 7am no information why i was born there.
My maiden name was Agnew. I was born in Great Bookham and moved to Oxshott in 1949 when I was 5. We lived in Lattice Cottage, Steels Lane, then Woodfield in the Ridgeway, finally The Spinney in Heath Road until 1970. Have so enjoyed reading the other memories - the second doctor was Dr.Berridge who was also a surgeon and sewed up my knee when I burst a blood vessel in a fall in Sally Johnson's garden - ...see more
I had the worst experience in my life there ... it was to me like a concentration camp ... they took our candy from us that our parents sent to us ... we couldn't go to the bathroom after a certain time at night ... I had the worst runs one night I and I was caught in the halls of the school - they told me to stand with my face to the wall for it seemed hours in the dark by myself... I must have been ... ...see more
In 1957 I commenced, aged 10, at Franciscan Boys Primary School, in Mr Norman Leslie Caunt's Class 4, and a short while later moved up a year into his Class 2. I have a photograph of Class 2 taken in 1958, with many of the boys' surnames listed separately, although the majority of their first names are now sadly forgotten by me due to the passing of the many intervening years. In September 1958 I progressed to ...see more
I am nearly 61 years old, and my memories are from when I was aged about 5 6,7...My father was a 'Sparky' at the time, and we lived in Birmingham..He was working in Worcester at the then called South Staffordshire and Worcester Electricity Generating Company, or something like that, opposite the racecourse... He was commuting on a motor cycle, and petrol rationing was on. The chap he was working with said he ...see more
After the war, my brother David & I returned to Kilburn from evacuation. Our Smith family was re-united at 28 Kilburn House, Malvern Place, where mum (Isobel) continued to live during the Blitz. Dad (Bert) was in the RAF & returned from Australia in 1946 to take up his work as a hotel chef (the Great Northern Hotel & later the Kingsley Hotel, Holborn). I began school for a ...see more
I was born in Dale St off Hume Hall Lane. Our neighbours were the Rushtons and the Alan's. I remember, in the early fifties, the milk man with his horse and cart and also the ice cream horse drawn carriage - it had two large wheels, and windows on all sides. Then there was the 'knocker up' man, with is big stick and also the man who came round to light the gas lamps with his little ladder. We had one cold ...see more
From the age of 2 in November 1949 until December 1953, due entirely to sad family circumstances, I found myself installed as a resident in The Lawrence Children's Home in King Harry Lane, St Albans. The Home is no longer in existence as it was closed in the 1970's, and subsequently demolished. I can well remember being walked to school in Spicer Street each day by one of the ...see more
The town of Elland has bitter sweet memories for me, I was born in 1961 the middle one of three children to my dad Wallace Hawkins and my mum Joan Hawkins nee Smith. My mum died in 1964 while we lived in New street (my earliest memory is that street), I was brought up by my grandma the late Martha Smith at Grove mills place Elland lane a short walk to my grandma Hawkins house at No3 Springfield rd . I moved away ...see more
I remember walking through simister down cordy lane past warhurst farm on to pole lanepast the hills turn right up to back o the moss farm they had 50 cow's 100s ofpigs chickens Turkey's they grew potatoes and barely and Swedes in those days they had just started building the hillock estate I remember having to keep moving the electric fence has the building encroached more and more each week till in the end jack had ...see more
Does anyone remember the "air raid shelters" in the "doggy park" in indoor park and were they really air raid shelters? I used to live in Stanley road in the new houses they built around 30 years ago, until we moved to Hampshire. The "air raid shelters " have always intreged me as to what was down there.
I lived at 25 Oliver Street through the 40's, 50s, and early 60's when I left for University. My grandparents lived at 23 Henry Street. My memories of a childhood in Hopkinstown are all good. The mountain, the Western field and the streets were the places were gangs of us played, and played safely without the kind of dangers that seems to prevent children spending days out of the home. A day on the mountain started at ...see more
My memory relates to the Gas Lamp which formerly stood in the centre of County Square in Ulverston. It was erected in front of the County Hotel which stood on what is now the site of the Coronation Hall.I understand that the Council first sought approval of the Manager of the Hotel as to the design of the Gas Lamp.Additionally I was told that the Lantern at the top of the Lamp originally came from Picadilly in ...see more
As a child I attended Hope Methodist Chapel and at Whitsuntide we had the Anniversary . All girls wore white and the boys white shirts ,we sang hymns to the congregation twice on Whit Sunday . On the following day we had what was called the Whit Walk starting at Bar Park and ending at the chapel taking in the village on route . The banners were carried high and proud . Afterwards it was back to chapel for the Chapel ...see more
I remember going to Dartford with my mum and going to a shop called Kerr's Drapery in the High Street. I was fascinated by the way they gave change to their customers. The shop assistant would put money into a capsule which went into a tube, they pulled a cord and it shot up the tube into the cashier's office at the back of the shop. The cashier put the change in the tube and send it back. I also remember ...see more
I'm hoping for help! In 1957/58 I attended a residential school which I think was called Summerseat House School for Delicate children.......we came to the school from industrial sites around Manchester to try and help our various medical conditions...........does anyone know anything about it?
In the fifties a lorry used to come around selling ESSO BLUE PARAFFIN. This was for paraffin heaters that were popular around this period. Some of the heaters were made in Greenford in a building now occupied by Dunelm. They were called Aladdin Paraffin Heaters.
Hi I'm looking for info from anyone who might remember James McComb who ran the Pioneer Laundry in Endbutt Lane. I'm doing some family tree tracing! Thanks Liz
Hi my Dad used to work with John Wallis Drycleaners as a Van Driver (John Wallis was based in Windsor, Datchet & other towns with the Factory in Hillside, Chalvey) who were bought out by Frank Forster - Forster Drycleaners 33 Bower Way, just round the corner & l was often sent round to the shops to get us a Lyons Boxed Fruit Pie... the Factory now ...see more
I spent part of my childhood in Dunmurry, living with my aunt and grandmother in the old Mill Row. Long gone now I expect. Will be over later this year for a wedding and would like to have a look around. Love these articles!
My name is Margaret Laughton nee Ward I was born at Gate Burton Hall on the 7th July 1944 My parents were Randall and Olive Ward, we were from Torksey Lock, My father was the lock keeper there, he also drove the school bus (Applewhites) around the local villages for the Gainsborough School
I remember Mrs (fatty) Parson, she put her foot through the floor one day much to the classes delight. I live up by the heath and took the penny ride to the National School every day on the 467 bus.
I lived in Hurst in 1963 and my mother ran the Post office stores. now converted into a house opposite the pub in Davis St.I remember many of the customers names and my mother used to deliver the grocery orders in her morris minor all round the village and up to the Almshouses opposite the church . I remember the local policemen had to sign in at the phone box outside the shop and would always pop in for a cuppa ...see more
I attended St Paul's in 1961 until I moved on to St Crispin Secondary. I believe St Paul's is no longer a school. I also vividly remember Martins Swimming pool as we went for lessons there with the school. It always seemed to be very cold and the caves for changing didn't help. But the hot Bovril for 4d a cup thawed us out. We walked crocodile to the pool and back. I doubt that would be considered safe now but ...see more
I was born in Hallgarth Street in 1935 and christened in St. Oswalds Church along with my older sister Dorothy and all the Fox's. dads family were eight children all living in Hallgarth Street, Whinney Hill, New Elvet. James Henry Fox, Dads oldest brother I didn't meet. He died at the Somme on 1st July 1916 aged 19, no known grave. My Uncles' name is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial, ...see more
My family lived in Alfred St all their life's until it was Demolished for the underpass. A whole small community was displaced.I remember Mrs Moss shop in the middle and Ethel sweet shop at the end of the Street. And taking the laundry to the bag wash at the other end. A very small part of Alfred st Still remains which gives me a reference point to a world now lost. Does anyone remember the Dunlop building with the green dome ...see more
Just been to Burley for a holiday and looking at the beautiful photos on here the place hasn't changed hardly at all. Just more traffic at times. Well worth a visit if you are ever tempted to go. The Burley Wagon rides are a must.
I went to Vale View School at 72 Meliden Road as a boarder from 1960 to 1966 and those six years were some of the happiest times of my whole life. The headmistress Mrs Constance Gill and her two sisters Miss Edith Woodward and Miss Hilda Woodward who were both teachers were three of the most wonderful people I have ever known. I remember my time at Vale View so well and are coming to stay later in the year as the ...see more
How did planners give permission to tear down The Crown Coaching Inn. I also remember the tall post in the middle of the Crown crossroads, with the green light that became red if some poor person died in a road accident in Slough. Does anyone remember a green-grocers shop in William Street nick-named the hole-in-the wall; it was next to the bus stop for the 441 to Manor Park
I lived in South Wellfield just outside Whitley Bay in the years listed above. Despite being something of a mongrel in terms of heritage I always look upon the town and area as my true home. Although being probably conceived in Scotland, born in southern East Anglia and now having lived over half a century away from my boyhood at a myriad of locations, Whitley is still very special to me. We moved into our semi ...see more
I lived in silverdale road from about 1960-1972 and went to dicker house and then to pneu school. We did our sewing class on the front lawn in the summer by a beautiful labernum tree. Swimming at the local pool and the goose fair! All happy memories!
Edwin is my grand father with his son David 80yrs old still alive today who is my father. We reside in NZ. My father has fond memories of Harmel House on his return from boarding school. I am starting our family tree. Any information you can share with me would be most appreciated. Tom is my great uncle,
It was 1953 when my family moved into our council house in Chester Road Slough. I thought how good it was because we had lived in a very small caravan for 4 years and because the number on the door was the same as my age - 7. There were some bad memories, my baby brother died just before we moved in and my eldest sister died 3 years later, I can remember playing cricket in the road in summer and ...see more
Over the road from the pub was were we used to have to go to mrs loaches .It was a tiny little shop, Could my mum have a quarter of boiled ham.the reply would be no but I've got some nice cheese.or tell your mother we've got some nice was such a funny little shop .Hilda came the shrill voice get worseys kid some nice boiled ham.mrs loach writ on her strange counter made of white tin,I used to ...see more
I REMEMBER THE NAME O'DELL AND WHEN I SAW THE ADDRESS IT RANG BELLS. I LIVED IN FARM CLOSE AND MY NAME WAS MARGARET CLARK . OUR NEIGHBOURS WERE THE WOODARDS, THE READES, HART, MARKS, JAMES, BUTCHER. Others on the estate were the Watsons,, Pages, Pocket, Bloomfield and Dunning to name but a few. There was still a farm when we moved there. ' Maddocks Farm', Rookery Farm obviously took its name from that. ...see more
My paternal family and descendants lived at the "Old Manor House" Askett for many years they were The Reading family my Great Grandfather Francis Reading was the last to live there on his death,well some years after actually the house/land was sold and now the houses in Old Manor Close stand there. I believe that a specimen beam from the house is now at Meade Farm. How I would have loved to sample the days in Askett some ...see more
I lived in barkingside all my life I lived in colvin gdns I remember patricia moving to Australia with her brothers my mum looked after her when she was little l used to wheel her out in her pram I used to go to fairlop school and go to the state cinema often we all used to play in the street on our bikes and skates they were good days we lived next door to patricia I did not know she had returned to England I wish her well
i well remember being placed in "greenbank" childrens home any one remember about 1946 and again a bout 1949"ish i can remember ..robert mcneil and bernard also matron malcolm we went to the old school ( gates still there,,,,,boys and girls seperate entrances.....and the old wooden pier we used to jump trying to judge the waves that shot up out of the planks that were missing lol also every saturday we were ...see more
I have lived in Margate since 1953 having moved from Ilford in Essex, I was 3 years old. My nan and granddad owned a small guest house in Vicarage Crescent, Margate. My life was a little upheaved as my father left my mother, myself and my half brother in about 1955. I went to Salmestone School until I was 11, I passed the 11 plus and went to Danecourt Technical High School for Boys in Broadstairs. Margate was ...see more
I was born in Rogerstone, a street away from the Nook on Tregwilym Road and was a chorister in Bassaleg choir for 10 years. I remember Canon Picton (a very tall man) vividly, The Rev (later Canon) L.C.Barttle-Jenkins and both his children Paul and Chris. I managed to meet up with them both over the years. I went to the Graig Secondary school when it first opened in 1958. I became head boy of the school in ...see more
Hi. Only just discovered this website so would like to share my memories. Does anyone remember the prefabs in St. Paul's Cray? We were living with my Nan & Grandad in Chislehurst and after the War, my Dad was still away in the Navy. My Mum applied for a prefab and when I was two and my brother a few months old we moved to Robin Way opposite Corke's Meadow, which was a gypsy camp. This was either the end of 1946 or ...see more
i remember the flower beds all over corby and going to school in deep snow along occupation road i also remember stevens fair coming to the s and l ground and also abbots and thurston's pulling onto the west glebe at the top end from kelvin grove i also remember billy smarts circus on the s and l ground then in the mid 60s i ran the dances in the church hall on studfall ave and the saturday night dances at corby civic center untill the late 60s that's just some of my memory's fred jelley
My grandparents took me to Cleveleys,every year for 2 weeks.,from the ag of 2 till I was 16years old.,We stayed at Mrs Faulkners boarding house on Rough Lea Rd.,I loved going to watchthe Follies,.and going to the Queens Theatre.,.,My grandma loved the Olympia Slot Machines.,When I revisited Cleveleys last year how it's changed.,but it's still dear to me as my childhood memories.
I lived at 45 lady Margaret road,left to join airforce 1955and have never been back but have any happy boyhood memories of life during and after war,playing in Woodward,and the stickle back fishing on golf course,could go on forever.Bob.
We moved to Derby Road in 1965 from West Thurrock after the farm closed and we could no longer live in a tied cottage. Next door to hatters garage. The house is no longer there as that area was demolished to build the new bridge. I remember there being a Salvation Army hut out the back of us and a big pit beside that with rope swings. Grays was a lovely place back then, we even had a bowling alley.
I grew up in Pantymwyn from the age of four in 1958 until adulthood. Even then I visited my parents frequently until I moved to Australia in 1980. My Mum was the district nurse, Nurse Hughes who was well known in the district. My father was a schoolmaster at Colomendy school, now Glan Alyn in Loggerheads. I went to school in Gwernaffield and had lovely friends in the area. We free ranged over the many walks in the area including ...see more
I was born in Southwell in 1955. In Easthorpe. I still go for walks around town i will be 62 this year. I would love to move back but the cost of houses are to much My first taste of beer was in the Portland. No longer there. I use to go to school there. My final school was the Edward Cludd. Which is called the minster now. The back lanes i use to play are still there. The mill which is flats now. I remember when it was a ...see more
As soon as I was old enough to drive, my Dad taught me, we used to drive down to Godstone from Kenley quite often and we would go to either the Hare & Hounds or the White Hart for a beer, sometimes a meal. In my courting days I would often take girls to either for an evening out, behind the White Hart is a footpath that leads all the way up to a small lovely church and beyond that to a lake. I still love visiting Godstone, it is a beautiful part of Surrey.
I lived in a flat over Walton, Hassell & Port in Alderman's Hill. Situated on the corner of Groveland's Road opposite Broomfield Park. Spent a lot of time in the park, on the swings etc & collecting conkers. I was living there from 1948 - 1956 (4 years old till 12 ). I went to Hazelwood Lane School. The headmistress was Miss Belfontaine. Walked there & back four times a day! Buying three pennyworth of ...see more